Chapter 20

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Ben's Pov

I heard voices and slowly struggled awake. Tory was sitting beside me, holding my hand. She looked upset about something.

"Hey Tor, what's up?" I asked. She bit her lip, and looked away. "Tory?"
"I'm so sorry," she murmured softly.
Panic began to rise in me. "Tory what are you talking about?"
"Please don't flare," she said.
I opened my mouth to ask what she was talking about, when a searing pain shot up through my leg. I tried to twist to see what it was but both of my legs were pinned. I gave a strangled gasp and squeezed Tory's hand. She winced. Slowly the pain faded as I blacked out.

Tory's Pov

I watched as Ben passed out from the pain. Carefully, I pulled my hand from his grasp and rubbed it, glad he hadn't flared. Or seen Chance. I glanced behind me where Hi and Shelton had been holding down Ben's legs and Ella was now binding the broken one in strips of t-shirt and denim from Ben's pant leg. She leaned back and dusted off her hands.
"That should do," she said.
"Thanks Ella," I said softly.

We all cleared out and sat around the fire pit except for Ella who stayed behind to double check her work. She came out a moment later with a worried expression on her face.
"Ella what is it?" I asked.
"Tory, it's Ben. He's hot," she said.

"Excuse me?!?" Chance exclaimed, beginning to stand on the other side of the fire pit. "What did you just say?!"
"Um ya I would like to know as well," I said.
She smacked her forehead. "I meant fever hot nitwits. Like, his temperature."
"Oh," I mumbled sheepishly. "Whoops."
Chance sat back down and scratched his head awkwardly. "Right."
Hi opened his mouth.
"Don't say a word Hiram. Not. A. Word." I threatened. He slowly put both hands in the air, but his smile told me that he wasn't going to let this go. I groaned inwardly.

Shelton was more focused on what Ella was saying. "So he has a fever..... Ella is he sick?"
Ella bit her lip and nodded. "I think so. There's a good chance that some kind of infection got in through his leg."
"How sick?" I demanded.
"Not too sick. He's not delirious, vomiting, or in any excess pain or anything," Ella explained. "It's probably something that his body can fight off naturally in a few days time."

"Wait how do you know so much about this Ella?" Hi asked.
"You know that cousin I have, Annie, who likes Shelton?" We all nodded, and Shelton blinked confused.
"Well she's high up in medical school and whenever we hang out she teaches me all this cool medical stuff. Kind of like you and your aunt Tory," she explained.

"Wait, Annie likes me?" Shelton asked.
"We have some talking to do," Hi muttered.

I rolled my eyes and went back into Ben's area. Moving carefully, I lay down on his left side and put my head on his chest. Soon my breathing matched the rise and fall of his chest under my head and I fell asleep.

(A/N: I'm sorry that it's so short! I just wanted to pause at a happy note and not an overly suspenseful one.)

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