Chapter 25

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(A/N: surprise at the end)
Tory's Pov

We were back on Morris Island camping out on the beach. Our parents still thought that we were on an overnight trip to see some historical monument. We were supposed to arrive home tomorrow morning, and get the day off of school.

It was this way that I found out that beach camping with blankets, sucks. The sand got everywhere. At least it was warm out. It was only the four of us- Chance and Ella had gone to Chance's house.

We still had no lead on the changing eye color or where the wolves were. I couldn't sleep. Finally, I flared, got up, and snuck out. Once I was a good distance away, I sprinted as fast as I could. It felt good to just be free and out in the open for the first time in forever.

I was deep in thought as I ran, so I was taken completely by surprise when someone tackled me to the ground. I struggled but whoever it was was strong.

And furry.
And had a large wet pink tongue.
Greetings Sister-Friend!

I laughed aloud and hugged Coop. I heard a few barks and saw the rest of the wolves coming out of the woods. All of them were there, Shadow and Flash bounding out of the woods, and Shimmer following more slowly.
Where've you guys been? I've been so worried!
It's a long story Shadow grumbled.
Well start speaking I said.

Tory where the hell are you? Get back to camp!
I huffed. Relax Ben, I'm fine I promise.
Wonderful, now get back here.

I rolled my eyes and took off back the way I came. The wolves, having heard the whole conversation, tagged along. I noted that Shimmer traveled a bit slower than the others and Coop kept glancing at her.

The others were surprised when I showed up with wolves following me like I was some kind of wolf queen. After a quick reunion and a text to Ella and Chance reporting that we found the wolves (which was responded by a bunch of jumbled up letters and words from Ella, meaning she probably fell asleep on her phone) we settled down and waited for the wolves' story.

Shimmer began. After we entered the woods, we found a place to rest. We then ended up wandering around for a while until we reached a landmark that Cooper recognized. From there he was able to lead us here. We've been waiting for you guys a few days.

"That wasn't very long," I complained.
Shadow likes to exaggerate her stories a lot Flash explained.
I do not! She protested.
Flash looked at her.
She ducked her head. Ok so maybe I do. Sometimes.

I walked back to the car and grabbed myself a water bottle. Shimmer had laid down and was resting her head on her paws. She looked like she was in pain.
"You ok Shimmer?" I asked cracking open my water bottle.

Cooper do you want to tell them? She asked.
Sure. He sighed. Sister-friend, Shimmer is going to be having my pups.

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