Chapter 12

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(A/N: So apparently I'm not very good at writing short chapter unless I'm trying. Anyways, the photo above belongs to GiantsHawk12 on deviantart. It's called green-eyed. Enjoy the story! 😄🐶 it was the closest thing I could find to a wolf, don't judge.)

Tory's Pov
I woke to a cold nose on my cheek. Rolling over, I saw a thin, nervous looking, black-furred, female wolf. Her intense green eyes bore into mine as she fidgeted around. I activated my flare and tentatively asked, hello?

The wolf started then relaxed. Greetings. My name is Shadow. I believe that you have already meet my sister-friend Shimmer?

Yes. I have. Where is she by the way?

Probably somewhere being dissected and tested on while scientists record her pain in joy.

I stared at the wolf in front of me.

What? She asked innocently.

Nothing. What about your other pack-mates?

Let's see: Flash is most likely being restrained and attacked with electric prodders. He's also probably being stabbed with needles full of toxic chemicals.

Umm... Why?

Well where to start? When we were attacked in the woods, he killed 4 of their men. The second time, he killed 6. Third time he killed about 7, broke three of the guns and somehow managed to pop half of one of the van's tires. When we got in here, he freaked- he hates needles- and hit 3 of the scientists that were carrying some acidic liquid. It spilled all over the people taking us and about 5? Died. Then from what I've gathered, he has killed at least 15 more people since the time we arrived.


Nah I'm exaggerating some. That part about the acid and the tires? Both made up. But he did kill a lot of the soldiers.

Don't believe you.

Hey, she said defensively, he's a large vicious wolf. Sometimes he tends to attack without really thinking.

Understandable. Wait I have a question.


Do you know who I am?

Yes Tory I know who you are. Cooper told us all about you. He wanted us to keep an eye on you and make sure that you were safe and that you didn't get captured.

Well you guys did just wonderful didn't you?

She peeled her lips back and snarled. Don't sass me child. I have more power than you may think.


She snorted and walked over to the sink, still talking. Apologies accepted. I'm assuming that to past the time you would like to hear my past?

Lay it on me.

First let me get something to drink. Don't want to dry my throat out.

But your not actually speak-

Hey! Let me imagine. And don't judge.


Shadow reared up and carefully balanced on her back paws. Using her nose, she turned the cold water on, lapped up some of the drips then turned it off. She then plunked down in the corner and began her story.

I was born and cast out of my pack immediately. I had been born on a dark moon, with a black pelt, an ill omen. I had been left out to die, but a lone wolf mother took me in and cared for me.

(A/N: wolves of the beyond anyone?)

As soon as I was old enough to hunt, she left me. I followed the rules of nature- eat or be eaten, only the strong survive, fight or die. Soon, I was a thriving lone wolf. Till I was captured. I was put in a cage, and was supposedly "trained" to be an actor. The people tortured me with flames and whips and starved me. That's why I don't eat much anymore.

Wait. Did you see any huge gray creatures or large cats with black and orange stripes?

Yes why?

You were in a circus. What went wrong?

One night I had had enough. It was the biggest show and I was the beginning act. I was supposed to bend to the "wolf tamer" but instead of follow my routine, I attacked and gutted the old fool. Then I killed the ring master too. I ruined the show and the company. They sold me off to scientists where I met Shimmer and Flash. The scientist named me Flip because I always made them flip out.

So they called the last one, the large bulky make, Sky?

Ya. I heard them talking that they named him that because he was always sending people into the sky. Pretty sure that meant he just killed a ton of people.

I'd say. Though to be honest I'm pretty sure they wouldn't go to the sky.

Then where else would they- OHHHH. Ya I agree. Then you know the rest. I was infected. My strain was the least modified and mostly made me smarter rather than heighten my abilities or make me stronger.

Suddenly a third voice popped up. Hate to interrupt story time, but we're planning a jail break.

The voice sounded familiar. Suddenly it clicked where I had heard it before. I know you! I said. You're the viral who was standing on the beach who was talented with your flare!

Indeed I was. But I prefer to go by the name Shimmer darling.

Shimmer? I asked.

Yes. You haven't caught on that the other three Virals was my pack?

Quit making me feel stupid. I grumbled.

I mean you are... Shadow muttered.

Shadow! A fourth voice snapped. It sounded familiar. Where are your manners?

Never had any, she snorted.

Alright enough, Shimmer commanded. Is everyone here?

No. I said. Let me gather everyone.

Using my powers I snagged the cords of ALL of the other Virals, even Speckman.

Tory? Ben asked. What's up?

Just doing a group chat. I think it's time that you met the other Virals.

Other Virals? What do you mean other Virals? Shelton snapped.

I never did tell you did I?

No, you didn't! Chance mental shouted.

She told me, Ella offered.

Stop with all the arguing. We can figure this out later. Shimmer took control. Here's the plan.

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