Chapter 14

426 17 14

Tory's Pov
Tonight was the night. Time for a prison break. I was pacing my room wondering when the plan would be put into action. Shimmer said I would be able to tell. I'm still worried about what she meant by that. Suddenly there were screams from outside. Alarms began to go off.

Something slammed against my door. I froze. It slammed again. A third time. The door dented inwards with each hit. On the fourth hit, the door burst open and a massive bulk followed. Straight at me was a huge wolf, almost double the size of a normal one. It moved surprisingly fast for a creature of its size. Its eyes were a pale gold with orange streaks going through. His fur was grayish black.

He looked at me for a moment then jerked his head. Like he was summoning me. To leave the room. Then it hit me. This hulking mass of fur and fury was Flash, the last member of Shimmer's pack.


I activated my flare and ran through the door, Flash behind me. It was mayhem. Everyone was out in the hall, looking around frantically. The wolves were snapping at anyone who came close, causing more panic. I grouped up with the other Virals. We all connected through our mental link. Calm spread through me. This was my pack. I ruled- no. Shimmer and I were twin alphas. Even Speckman and Cole bent to our rule.

Like an organized killing force, we rushed forward, using our flares to disable people and take our guards. No one could stop us. Shadow led the way. She had escaped enough times that she could lead us out, or at least to an upper level.

I ducked beneath a guard's blow, swinging my leg around to take out his legs. Quickly, I stood up, slamming the top of my head into another guard's chin. In front of me, Ella ducked and I jumped over her, drop kicking the guy who had been trying to knock her out. As I landed on the guy's chest, Ella followed through by leap-frogging over my back, twisting in mid air, and kicking someone in the face. The poor lady went down within seconds.

More guards began swarming in.
Quick go outside! Shimmer shouted. The door is open.

Running we burst outside. Thankfully it was nighttime so we weren't blinded by the sun. But what we did see made me curse a blue streak- military vehicles and people everywhere, swarming around like ants. Glancing around I made up a quick escape plan.

Into the woods, I ordered.
The play? Hi asked.
No, I mean literally, get into the woods! We can lose them there. I snapped.

We bolted for the forest when shouts erupted behind us. Bullets began to fly past our heads. Inside the forest, we wove on and off of dear paths. Shouts came from behind us as the agents began to trample into the forest.

Split up! Shimmer shouted.
Wait WHAT?!? Shelton yelped.
We're making too much noise all together. I agreed. Spilt up but no one go alone! Understand?

I mentally made notes as everyone agreed. Shelton and Hi grouped up, Ella, Shimmer and Coop grouped up, Flash and Shadow went together, Speckman and Cole grouped together. That left me, Chance and Ben. Chance was beside me. But where was Ben?

Ben? I called. No answer.
Chance, cover me, I ordered. Before he could respond I reached through my flare to see where Ben was. Looking through his eyes, I saw that he had slipped down a steep slope and broken his leg.
Ben! I cried.
Tor- he was cut short. I felt myself thrown from his mind and returned to mine. Slowly my vision faded back to normal.

"Shit," I hissed. "My flare died."
"Same," Chance grunted.
"Ben's alone and his leg is broken," I reported.
"Don't worry. The wolves will probably find him," he muttered.
I stared at him in horror.
He rolled his eyes. "The ones on our side Tory."
I blinked and grinned sheepishly. "Oh. Right."

Snorting he grabbed my hand and dragged me through the underbrush. Soon we came upon a small clearing by a stream. Suddenly exhausted, I curled up at the base of a tree and slipped into a deep sleep, worry for Ben and the others circling around my head.

Once and for all- a Virals fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now