Chapter 17

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Tory's pov

It took me a moment to completely realize what was happening. The next two second were spent calculating a plan.
Chance is stronger than me on a daily basis, but flaring, he's way to strong. And my flare...... Won't activate. What the hell?!?

A bolt of fear shot through me and I wriggled around to try to get my hands free, but Chance had me pinned. I was prepared to scream when one of his hands had just started to travel upwards. Suddenly, his weight disappeared. I dropped to the ground, spluttering for breath.

It had begun to rain. I looked around and saw Chance's blue eyes glowing from the ground. In a flash of lightning, I saw someone standing over him with electric blue eyes. The person spoke, slow and deadly.

"Leave. Her. Alone."
That voice, I recognized. "BEN?!"

He turned, saw me on the ground, and rushed over. Kneeling down beside me, I couldn't believe that he was here. Gently, he pulled me into his arms. I let out a sob of happiness as I buried my head in his shoulder, hands against his chest. He shifted so that I was sitting curled in his lap. After a moment, I pulled back and touched his cheek.

"You're ok," I whispered. In response, he kissed me and murmured, "never been better."
I was about to respond when randomly, Ben shoved me out of his lap onto the ground.

I turned confused and wiped the mud out of my eyes. I gasped at what I saw. While Ben and I had been reuniting, we had forgotten about Chance. Who was now attacking Ben. Who had pushed me out of harms way.

I watched speechless as the battle unfolded. Ben managed to get Chance off of him, throwing him halfway across the clearing. He was slow getting up though, and Chance took advantage of that. Soon enough I couldn't tell one from the other in the dark storm. Flashes of lightning revealed snippets of the battle.

Chance and Ben on equal ground.

Ben's fist raised over Chance.

Chance throwing Ben to the ground.

After a moment, my eyes adjusted to the dark, enough for me to see that Chance was now the one standing over Ben. Ben rolled to the side and struggled to stand up. When he stood, I saw that he was favoring a leg.
Of course. He hurt his leg when we were running into the woods. I thought he just had bad footing in the mud when he was standing up, but he's actually hurt!

I wasn't the only one who caught his weakness. Chance's flare enhanced eyes spotted the weak spot immediately, and he smiled coldly. A flash of lightning blinded me, just before Chance moved. I blinked the stars out of my eyes in time to see Chance pin Ben by the neck to the tree I had first been resting against when this had all started. Ben fought frantically, trying to free his neck. Even from far away, I could see the fear and desperation in Ben's eyes as he struggled in vain. Chance's cold laugh echoed over the clearing as he raised his foot, followed by Ben's heartbreaking scream of pain as Chance's foot connected with his leg.

I bent over and covered my ears trying to block out the sound. I want to help so bad, I thought. But it would be pointless to get in the middle of a fight between those two, especially while they're flaring. Chance released Ben who crumpled to the ground, his hurt leg folding beneath him. I could see Ben gritting his teeth as he tried to stand and face Chance's taunts.

"Ben don't do it. You'll just hurt yourself more," I whispered. Another flash of lightning blinded me. When my vision returned again, Chance was holding Ben by the neck over the edge of the stream- now a raging river from the day's worth of rain. Ben pawed weakly at Chance's hand. I could see that he was fighting to retain consciousness. It took me a second to see what Chance planned to do. With a leg broken like that, Ben wouldn't be able to swim...

I rushed forward in time to hear their short conversation.
"Let me go," Ben growled.
"You want me to let you go?" Chance taunted. "I can do that."
At the same time as Chance's hand released, I screamed. "NO!"

Chance caught me around the waist before I pitched over the edge. I saw a wink of blue in the river and then.... Nothing. I was wailing as Chance pulled me away from the river's edge. My world turned red and I rounded on him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I screamed. "Why, Chance? Why! You just had to-," I choked up and took a deep shaky breath. "Goddammit Chance, what is wrong with you?"
I was whispering now. "Chance, why?"

I wrapped my arms around myself and whispered "why?" in a tiny voice. Chance stepped towards me, with his hand outstretched. I recoiled and my anger returned. "Stay away from me you asshole!" I hissed. Chance let his hand drop.

Turning, I began to run downstream. Before I could get two feet near the bank, Chance grabbed my elbow. I whipped around snarling. "What did I just tell you!" I snapped.

"Look Victoria, I don't know what you plan to do, and I don't want to know. But whatever it is, I'm not going to let you get caught in a landslide into the river because you were too stupid to walk instead of run!"

I looked at him and slowly shook my head. "I'm too drained to argue with you right now. So watch me if you must, but know that if you even think about touching me, let alone try it, I promise you I will push you into that river and I will personally make sure that you drown."

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