Chapter 24

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Tory's Pov

I watched as Speckman and Cole were chained and put in the back of a military truck. Agent J walked up to me.
"What are you going to do with them?" I asked.
"All the experiments and tests that we were planning on doing," he responded.
"You're not going to make super soldiers are you?"
"Seeing the kind of power it has over these two? Never."
I sagged with relief. "And now that you've got your subjects-"
"You and your pals get left alone."
"Ok. Um, thanks I guess."
He nodded and walked off.

I turned and went back to our car. The military people were kind enough to give us a car, point us towards the road, and let Shelton keep the car. Then again, they didn't exactly want to be responsible for some kids wandering lost in the forest, and it's not like it took much out of their pocket to buy a simple car. They also had the courtesy to return Ben's car to us.

Hi, Ben, Shelton, and I piled into Ben's car while Chance and Ella took Shelton's new car. Shelton drove with me shotgun, since Ben can't drive with his broken leg. He's in the back with Hi. I was still flaring, and when I got in, my eyes tingled. I rubbed them thinking it was an itch. It went away.

"Well, the past few days were slightly eventful," Hi started off.
"Slightly?" I asked. "We get recaptured by creepy government officials, get lost in a forest, and get hunted down by maniacs trying to tear us apart, all the while being freakish mutants, and you say it was slightly eventful?"

I snorted and shook my head. I caught Ben staring at me. "Ben, I know I'm beautiful, but there's no need to stare."
He rolled his eyes. "Someone's getting a big ego. But that's not what I was looking at. It's your eyes."
"Yeah, I'm still flaring."
"So why are your eyes golden?"

I twisted and looked in the rearview mirror. My eyes were the same golden they had been as when we had first gotten the flare. But my flare isn't any weaker.... Just then a text came in from Ella.
Ella: flare eyes are red between me and Chance. Wut about u?

"Guys flare," I commanded. When I looked around, golden eyes stared back. I texted Ella back.
Tory: golden all around.

"Um, what's going on?" Shelton asked panicked.
"Chance and Ella have red flare eyes and we have golden," I explained.
"But they were blue when we left the campsite!" Hi protested.
"Let me think on what it could be," I told them.

My mind was blank on the entire car ride except for one thought- where are the wolves?

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