Letters (25)

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How is Romania? I miss you here. Harry found out he's my brother yesterday. Sirius Remus and I were talking about it and did not know he was in the room.  He got mad and blew up in my face.  He made me realize though that I am a terrible sister.  I was not for him at all in his life, mom and dad would be so mad at me.  

I do hope he realizes I love him soon though, but then again I would not blame him if he did not.

Can't wait to see you again!!

Miss you,



Romania is great, we are wait for a couple of eggs to hatch but other than that it is normal here.

I'm sorry to hear Harry did not take the news very well.  I'm sure he will realize that was a big mistake soon, but just give him time.  I have 5 brothers, we used to fight a lot, we always came around though.  I know it is not the same situation but just give him some time.

I am not sure when I can come back again.  Hopefully it is soon though can't wait to see you again.

Miss you too,


Tonks POV:

Aspen did not come to the Order meeting the last two nights but she said she was going to come tonight.  She has been really out of it lately, but perked back up when she got a letter from Charlie.  The whole Order knows now that Harry knows about Aspen. Molly has tried talking to him and so has Sirius and Remus, he completely ignores Sirius and Remus and brushes it off whenever Molly talks to him.  Everyone else has left it alone though knowing that now that Harry knows he has a sister he won't be able to last long without her. 

Harry Potters Older Sister****Charlie Weasley****Where stories live. Discover now