Order Meeting (18)

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Aspen's POV

"Come on, we are going to be late Aspen," Tonks shouts down the hall at me as I am trying to put some makeup on.

"I'm coming, give me a second," I was trying to look a little nicer today as I know Charlie is coming to the meeting today.  Over the last week or so I have accepted that I may have a crush on him. But I also decided that I will not let it get in the way of my work or the Order in any ways.


When we got to headquarters we had to come in quickly as the meeting was about to start.  

"Okay,-" started Mad Eye in a very serious tone. "- today we have to assign people to the advanced guard."  Mostly everyone looks at each other confused.  "These people will be the ones to go get Harry Potter if needed, and since we do not know the exact time we will get him these people must always be ready to fight and ready to protect Harry Potter under any situation."  

Tonks and I look at each other really fast and we both know what the other one is thinking. We both want to be on the advanced guard.  So right then and there about ten to fifteen people all at the same time volunteer to be on the advanced guard, including Kingsley, Tonks, Remus, and myself.  Sirius would volunteer but he know Dumbledore would not allow it.

"I will get with Dumbledore later tonight and tomorrow we will tell you who exactly will be on the advanced guard.  Meeting is done for tonight and Charlie will update us more on his findings tomorrow, when Dumbledore is here." Mad Eye grumbles. 

"Well, is anyone staying for dinner tonight?" Molly asks the order members. 

" We will Molly!" A couple of us say at the same time.

"Okay dears."


Tonks and I just got back to the apartment and I cannot help but remember how all of dinner Charlie could not make eye contact with me and how he barley talked to me.  I cannot let this get in the way of life though so I guess it does not matter.

Maybe he is just in a weird phase.  Who am I kidding he is not the moon.

-Hola! Sorry had a Spanish test I was studying for that is why I have not updated recently, sorry. 💕

Harry Potters Older Sister****Charlie Weasley****Where stories live. Discover now