Mini Evans (11)

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I stand in shock with who see sitting across the table talking to Mr. Weasley and 2 redheads, I know Mr. Weasley, as he works at the ministry.  The 2 redheads I know from Hogwarts, The tallest one is Bill Weasley if I remember correctly and the second one, who has many scars and burns, is Charlie Weasley, I always saw him reading books about dragons in school and he was in my year at school.

It takes the person I am shocked to see a second to see me but when he does he jumps up and shouts "Mini Evans!".  He nicknamed me that when I was little because I look so much like my mom. 

"Uncle Paddy," I whisper into the hug.

We hug for a few minutes then sit down next to each other, and I hear a voice for across the table introduce himself.

"Hi, I am Charlie Weasley."

" I know, we went to Hogwarts together." I laugh.

"Oh yeah, it's Aspen right?"

"Yes, Aspen."

"And I am Bill Weasley," says the other redhead.

"Yes, I believe you were a year or two ahead of me in Hogwarts?"

"Yes, two,"  When we finish our conversation Sirius turns to me.

"So where do you work?" He asks.

"The Ministry of Magic, I am an head auror along with Kingsley and Tonks, Mad Eye trained me." I pause.

"Where do you two work?" I ask as I look towards Bill and Charlie.

"I work at a Dragon Sanctuary in Romania." responds Charlie proudly.

"Oh yeah, I remember at Hogwarts when you would always have your head in a book about dragons." I say laughing slightly.  Bill just laughs and shakes his head as Charlies face turns red.

"I used to work in Egypt and a curse breaker, but then got a desk job here in England so I could help with the order."  As I nod my head the first meeting starts.


When the meeting is over me and Tonks go home because we are tired, but I promise Sirius that I will come see him to catch up tomorrow. 

When we get home I cannot help but think about one certain redhead.

-So you finally meet Charlie and Sirius  don't forget to like and or comment if you want to! 

Harry Potters Older Sister****Charlie Weasley****Where stories live. Discover now