Chapter 20

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A week goes by and you haven't heard a word from Diggy or Roc. You've been released from the hospital but like they said they was gonna do, they put you on bed rest. You haven't had many visitors , just a few people you work with. The hospital also assigned you a helper. More like a nanny for adults. Her name is Samantha but you call her Sam. She helps you with everything you need.

S: Ms.YN you have a visitor downstairs. Should I let him in?

U: I depends on who it is...

S: A Daniel Simmons?

You pause for a moment.

U: Sure. You can let him in.

Sam goes down to get him and minutes later you and Diggy are the only two in your room.

D: Hey. How have you been?

U: Good. Well I guess not too good if I'm on bed rest.

D: Well that's good. I guess...

U: Look. Why are you here? Somethin you need?

D: I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing. I checked into another rehab facility.

U: That's good. Where is it?

D: *Looks down* California.

U: Oh. How long are you gonna be in there?

D: About 2 months. That's all they offer. And I know you're due date is next month but imma try to get out early to be there.

U: It's okay Dig. You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of another person.

D: But that's my kid.

U: Dig, she'll want the best for you.

D: She? We're having a girl?

U: Yeah. And I thought of a cute name but if you want to change anything you can.

D: What's the name?

U: Braelyn Asia Simmons

D: I like it. I have a question.

U: go ahead.

D: Do you still love me?

U: Dig, I don't want to get into this right now..

D: Please answer my question.

U: Yes I still love you but I -

There's a knock on the door.

S: Ms.YN it's time to take your vitamins.

U: Okay.

She gives you your pills then leaves.

D: What were you saying?

U: I love you but do you still love me for what I did?

D: Of course I still love you. It really did hurt me but I can forgive you.

U: Good.

D: Umm Yeah. So I brought you something.

U: But you didn't bring anything with you in here.

D: It's downstairs in the car. I'll be back.

He walks out of your room and goes and get whatever he has for you and comes back up.

U: Dan what is that?

D: It's a necklace. I got it made and it was not cheap! Actually I got two more things made also. A bracelet to go on the baby's ankle and a dog tag for me. If you put all of them together it makes a heart. I feel like when I get my life together, we'll be a family again. And YN I'm so sorry I'm putting you threw all of this during your first pregnancy. I don't think anything can make up for this.

You're speechless. So instead of talking you

Kiss him :O

He kisses back but then pulls away.

U: What's wrong?

PLEASE LET ME LOVE YOU YN!!!!!!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя