Chapter 10

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D: Hey Doctor Moore any progress ?

DM: Actually I have some news.

U: Good or bad?

DM: Great. We need to re test you Daniel.

D: What for?

DM: We talked with your therapist and she said your lungs were normal.

U: Lungs?

DM: Yes. I know this is a bit confusing but I wasn't the one that told Daniel he had cancer. As Daniel knows, I wasn't here when he was told he had cancer. Another doctor was here to take my place and somehow he read the test wrong.

D: So I don't have cancer?

DM: As the looks of it no. But I still wanna test and make sure.

D: Coo.

DM: So imma need you to put this on and I'll be back we you're ready.

The doctor leaves now it's just you and Diggy in the room.

D: Aren't you gonna leave?

U: Boy I done seen you naked before.

D: But that was...... Never mind .

Diggy changes and the doctor comes back to get him so they can go take the test. In the meantime you call everybody and let them know what's up. You call Ms.Justine and tell her and you can hear a bit of hope in her voice. You didn't tell anybody about you being pregnant yet because you wanted to wait and see did Diggy want to tell them right now.

D: So when do we find out the results?

DM: We should have them back by the end of this week. Maybe Thursday or Friday.

U: Will the results come in mail or...

DM: Yes they'll be in mail.

D: Thanks Doctor Moore.

DM: No problem. Drive safe and have a blessed day.

D: Thank You. You too.

U: You ready?

D: Yeah come on.

In the car

U: So when are we gonna tell people about...

D: We're not.

U: We have to. I can't hide a big belly forever.

D: Well they won't know until that time comes. I'm not really sure about how my parents will take it when I tell them they're gonna be grandparents. And Miley. She's gonna be all messed up when she realizes she won't be getting all of my attention. So for now let's just keep it a secret.

U: What are we gonna tell Spin when he asks us do we want to go get drinks or when he invites us to a party?

D: Just kindly say no.

U: Whatever. Your mom wants us to stop by.

D: Alright.

J: Really?!

D: Yes! I guess God is answering our prayer.

RR: I knew he would .

J: YN, what's wrong dear? You haven't been speaking a lot since you guys got here.

U: Oh I'm fine. Just haven't been feeling well .

J: Dig you need to take her home and take care of her.

D: Don't worry mom I got her. That's my baby girl .

After hearing that you blush a little. But truth is you're feeling good. You're feeling great actually but you're not feeling Diggy's idea of hiding your pregnancy. So you just kept quiet so you wouldn't accidentally expose the secret.

You and Dig hug and kiss everybody then leave.

D: What's your problem?

U: ....

D: I know you hear me.

U: Daniel I'm not in the mood.

D: Well get in the mood. Tell me what's wrong.

U: You're being a asshole and this is my first pregnancy and I should be happy and telling people not hiding it. Fuck kinda shit is this?! When you told me you wanted to start a family with me you should've told me I was gonna be hiding this from your family and everybody else and maybe I would've waited longer to have kids.

D: That's how you feel?

U: Yes. Yes it is.

D: Okay.

Y'all drive back home in silence. When you get home Diggy starts packing his things in his car.

U: What are you doing?

D: I think we need to have some time from each other before our relationship just gets torn apart completely so, I'm gonna go back home. I think I made myself to comfortable here anyway.

U: Dig are you serious right now? One little argument and you pack your things and leave.

D: It's for the best for us.

U: So were do we stand?

D: I'm not sure. I guess...

U: Fuck it. You don't wanna be with me so I guess we're just baby mama and baby daddy. No more than that.

D: Why are you getting so mad?

U: Because I get pregnant and you just up and leave me.

D: It's not even like that. I still love you and I'll still go to doctor appointments with you and be their for the birth of the baby . Non of that is gonna change just because we're not together.

U: But I don't understand why you have to leave? I have a guest room. You can sleep in there.

D: Nahh I'm good. I'll see you later baby girl.

He hugs you and leaves. You stand there in shock and just cry.


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