Chapter 38

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D: Come on.

You and Diggy catch a taxi home.

1 hour later...

U: Dig we need to leave now. I think the baby is coming 😖

D: Alright get the hospital bags and I'll meet you in the car.

U: Baby hurry!

2 hours later... At the hospital

Braelyn: Mommy are you okay?

D: Sweety mommy is in a lot of pain right now.

B: Is my new wittle brover on his way?

D: Yes.

Doctor : Mrs.Simmons you're 7 cm dialated. You should be ready to push in the next hour or so.

U: I need a epidural... NOW!

Doctor: I'll be back in 5 minutes with that.

U: Ahhhhh SHIT! *Holds stomach*

D: *Rubbing your forehead * Baby you're doing fine just keep breathing ,

Lauren: Dig do you want me to take Brae out to the waiting room?

D: Yeah that's fine.

Doctor: Okay here we are. I'm just gonna need for you to bend over YN so I can put this in your back.

U: *Bends over*

Doctor: Okay you're all done. It should kick in within the next few minutes.

U: Thank you so much.

After your epidural your labor went past quick and easy. Diggy's parents eventually made it and your mom came. It was surprising to all of you considering you haven't talked or heard from your mom in years. She hasn't even met Braelyn yet 😒

After 8 hours of labor , you and Diggy welcome the newest member of your family. Deilo Dwayne Simmons . He was born June 8, 2013 8 lbs 5 oz.

Nurse: It's a boy!

D: You did great baby.

U: *Smiles*

N: YN would you like your family to come in?

U: Yeah that's fine.

Doctor: Nurse she needs to be stitched up first. She tore.

After you get stitched up they let both families come in. More of your family has come and so has Diggy's.

Your Family

Your Mom- YM

Uncle Rio

Aunt Traci

Cousin Sharla

Cousin Laci

Grandma Betty

Grandpa George

And the list goes on...

Diggy's Family

Justine- J

Rev Run- RR

Angela- Ang

Vanessa- Ness



Miley ( She's 15 )

Uncle Russell

Uncle Danny

Aunt Michelle

And the list goes onnnnn...

It's very crowed in the room.

Ness: He's so cute!

Ang: He looks just like you Dig.

RR: Are y'all finished or...

D: One mor-

U: We're done!

YM: Vanessa when are you planing on having kids?

Ness: *Chuckle* Maybe soon.

Brae: Mommy can I hold my brover?

U: Sure. Come sit right here. *Pats the empty spot next to you*

U: Hold your arms like this *Helps her with her arms* Now make sure you support his head.

D: *Takes picture *

Lauren: I love you guys family.

U: Aww thank you!

2 Days later you and baby Deilo was released from the hospital . Everything in your life seems perfect . Until....

PLEASE LET ME LOVE YOU YN!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now