Chapter 22

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He let's you in and it's completely silent. Until he speaks.

D: Hey. It's been awhile.

U: Yeah. Your life straightened out?

D: It's better. I've been clean for 9 months now. They let me outta rehab.

U: That's good. What about your charges?

D: I had to serve a week in jail but everything is good now.

U: Oh. Why did you leave that day?

D: Because I was hurting you. I couldn't stand seeing you hurt.

U: .....

D: But I'm straight now.

U: I didn't know what had happened to you. You really scared me.

D: And I know. I'm sorry. Is my daughter here?

U: Yeah she's in there.

D: Do you mind if I see her?

U: You can see her. Come on.

You get out the car and start walking towards the door.

D: Did your ass get bigger?

You turn around and wink at him. Y'all walk into the house and see Everybody talking in the living room. You walk over to Rev and he hands you your daughter.

U: *In a baby voice * Hey Mama! You wanna see daddy?

You give Diggy his daughter and she starts crying. More like screaming.

D: *Rocking her* It's Okay. Daddy's here.

She continues to scream. Diggy hands her to you.

U: What's wrong baby?

T: You want me to go get her formula from the car?

U: Yes please. *Rocking her*

D: What's he doing here?

U: I brought him with me. Don't worry, we're just friends.

R: Hey Dig let me talk to you for a minute.

D: Uhh... Okay.

He gives you a look then walks upstairs with his dad.

U: I don't know why she's acting this way. She hardly ever makes any noise.

J: She just needs to get used to him. That's all.

U: I hope she hurry's.

A: I think my brother is gonna be a great dad.

U: I do too. So about you Ang. When were you gonna tell me about the baby?

A: I was eventually .

U: She's so cute !

A: Thank You. I think she looks like her daddy.

V: She doesn't look like that no good ass nigga!

J: Vanessa!

A: Don't talk about him like that.

V: Why?! He continues to cheat on you with other girls and you stay going back to him!

J: Both of you stop it!

R: What's going on down here?

J: Nothing.

U: Y'all Good?

D: Yeah.

Twist comes back with the formula.

T: Here you go.

U: Thanks. Dig you wanna feed her?

D: Sure if she doesn't kick me in the face.

U: She won't. She likes food.

You hand Diggy his daughter once again and she starts screaming again. He brings the bottle to her mouth and she starts eating.

U: Dan you gotta support her head . Like this.

You take his hand and position it the way it's supposed to be.

R: Aww look at this cute little family!

He takes a picture.

R: INSTAGRAM! *Does that weird noise he does *

U: *laughs*

D: Dad!

U: Wow.

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