The Salem Games Pt2

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The lights flickered on. The same audience was still there, except Salem was once again present. She looked around the theater, scanning the faces of the usual undesirables, her rival, and her respected pawn with her pawns. Said respected pawn and pawns seemed a bit... uncharacteristically unnerved by her presence.

She was about to open her mouth to speak until a certain lovable diety interrupted her. "As much as I love to hear your pre-show banter, we need to get to the show. My peers are pumping out some good works like crazy and I need to get my ass going."

This uber-meta commentary brought confusion to the viewers, but little time was given to them to ask DB to elaborate since the screen was on and the show had begun.

Last time on DB - I mean RWBYZ!~

"Why did you take your shirt off?"

Salem turned to Cinder. "I could use some context."

Cinder nodded. "Yes, well-

"You're somehow winning by having gotten all the powers and relics, you gloat like a bitch on national television, and now Jaune and probably Ruby are probably gonna lay the smack down on your pale ass," Yang answered, a smug smirk gracing her lips at the thought of the queen of Grimm getting laid out, "any questions?"

"None." Salem only really cared about the part of her winning. Everything else didn't really matter. Yang, however, did neglect to tell her about the part where she double-crossed her pawns. Cinder was somewhat grateful for that.


Pretty much everyone associated with Beacon stood at the far outskirts away from the ring and others watched upon screens of either scrolls, computers, or televisions. General Ironwood stood alongside the news duo of Atlas, the newsman in training Flynt Cole and the erratic camera girl named Neon Katt. Penny stood off to the side, intently focused on Jaune for some reason.

Jaune landed a solid blow in Salem's gut. Jaune took one right in his gut. Jaune retaliated with a kick to Salem's head before she sent him up with a high kick. She then received an elbow strike to the top of her head and being left open to another kick that launched her into the air.

"What?" Salem asked, more than confused by a Jaune going toe to toe with her and... winning? "He... he shouldn't be able to do that. His power level shouldn't even be a fraction of mine."

"It's more than likely power levels are essentially moot here," Ozpin answered, adjusting his glasses. He had to admit, he probably is skeptical about this if he weren't seeing it.

"That right Jaune!" Ruby screamed, "kick her to the moon!"

"Go for the suplex!" Nora yelled, flexing a few her muscles too for added effect.

"How?!" Cinder yelled, no longer able to contain herself, "it makes no sense! He-he should be inept, especially compared to Salem, who mind you, has all the relic and maiden powers in her hands! How?!" She was nearly frothing by the end of her rant.

"You'd think she'd be happy about this," Pyrrha muttered, not forgetting the part where Cinder was abandoned.

The scene the focused on Nora and Ren. The former was checking out the latter and had to ask. "Hey, wasn't your hair shorter this morning?"

Ren nodded, his eyes still intently focused on the arena battle. "Indeed. But I felt like a having a spiky ponytail an hour ago."

"Oh. Neat."

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