Worst Day Ever

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Today is going to be a good day. That was the thing that Jane Thomas woke up saying to herself every single day. Today. Today is going to be a good day.

Slightly reassured by the comforting mantra, Jane rolled over in her bed, and pushed her long dirty blonde hair out of her face so she could see. She wildly flailed her arm over to the bedside table, reaching for her cell. She picked it up with a flop, determined to start her day, but a glance at the date on her phone almost destroyed that resolve. Tomorrow would have been it. It would have been THE day. With that depressing thought, Jane wiggled herself around under her cool yellow sheets and turned her head to see her sleeping companion. Felix lay beside her, his dark hair gently moving up and down as he breathed in the purple duvet of the bed. He was asleep and ignorant of her turmoil. The jerk.

No matter what tomorrow would have been, today is going to be a good day and I still need to go to work. 

Ignoring her companion's ability to sleep late, Jane pushed the covers off of her. Sliding around, she buried her toes into the small yellow plush carpet that she'd put in her room to avoid the bitter chill of the wood floors on her feet in the mornings. Jane hated being cold, which is one of the reasons she felt blessed at living in California. Los Angeles, even in January, rarely got below 50. With one last look towards the sleeping lout, Jane rose and began to get dressed for the day.

Jane's room was simple, but brightly colored. She had her oak bed, and matching side table and dresser. She'd found an antique armoire for sale that made up for her lack of closet and added more character to the place. The walls were a neutral gray, but she'd hung up dozens of scarfs that each had a different color pallet and design and texture. She'd accumulated most of the scarves from local flea markets and others she'd gotten from her limited travels. The hangings created a type of chaos that one would not normally associate with her. She was quiet, but the colors in her room were loud blues, purples, pinks, oranges, yellows, reds, and greens. She loved how bright and bold the colors were and how unique each pattern in the scarfs were. They were such a change from her depressing and color neutral childhood.

After she'd showered and gathered her gear, she went into the kitchen and proceeded to brew herself a cup of strong tea. Her apartment was small, but it was clean and nice for what she paid for it. She had the one bedroom and one small bathroom. She rarely had guests, so she wasn't too paranoid that the only entrance to use the restroom was through her bedroom. Besides her bedroom door was always open. For some reason she couldn't sleep with the door closed. Her kitchen had a small island with two stools that acted as her desk, workspace, and dining table. This opened to her small living space that had a blue loveseat, a yellow overstuffed chair, a mounted television, and a glass coffee table. The space made Jane smile, although it looked like it was decorated by someone very colorblind.

Falling into the comforting morning routine, Jane took a deep gulp of the aromatically pleasing caffeine and found herself somewhat fortified to face the few hours before her shift. The sounds of her neighbors moving about in the other apartments and passersby on the streets filled her ears as she began to pull out flour, cocoa powder, and confectioners' sugar from her cabinets. She'd decided to make her coworkers treats for their long shift. It would keep her hands busy as she ignored the kitten themed calendar on her wall. It was a Christmas gift from Denny, the son of one of her favorite co-workers. Usually, it brought her joy, but today, it seemed as if the three yarn covered kittens were taunting her.

Today is January 22nd.... tomorrow would have been it. His day. Jane abruptly turned back to pulling on her red and white checkered apron, avoiding the tears that threatened to fall.

Deciding that her plans left too much room to think, she turned on her tv and clicked until she saw a rerun episode of FRIENDS. She turned it up as loud as she dared and focused on the problems of six friends in New York. Once she was caught up in how everyone was late getting ready for Ross's Museum Benefit and she decided how she would add fudge to the brownies, Jane felt better. She could get through today and tomorrow.

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