Ocean's 9-1-1

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When they were called to a bank, with reports of two individuals exhibiting concerning seizure like symptoms, none of them expected to end the night as suspects in a bank robbery. Honestly, Jane never imagined that she'd ever end up as a suspect in a crime...at least not a second time.

The bank was a tall-ceilinged building with floor to ceiling windows along the entire building except for the back where the vault was located. The color scheme was a bit dated with reddish wood and cream and yellow chairs and vintage looking desks. The waiting area was off to the left when one walked in with the counters for tellers to the right. Behind a large pillar Jane noticed immediately that a party had been going on. Cake and punch were visible.

Seeing the crowd of bank employees gathering around one man in the front of the building, Bobby turned to Jane.

"Move them back and try to keep them calm. Then, I want you to follow us back to the second patient and help Hen."

"Got it Cap!" Jane saluted, then she turned to the worried employees. "Hello everyone! If I could just have you all move back and give us some space to work?" she raised her arms, and immediately, most of the people followed directions. But, as in all crowds, there were the Nosy Nellies and there were the worriers. Jane made it a rule to always deal with the worriers first because Nosy Nellies took longer to see sense.

"What's happening?" One woman asked, on the verge of hysteria. "Is...is he dead?"

"Paramedics are working on him right now, ma'am. Now, why don't you sit down on," Jane lead her to one of the cream lounges on the side of the bank away from where the armored car carrier had gone down. Then, she slowly began to rub her back, "Deep breaths. That's right. You feeling better?"

The woman gave her a trembling smile, and nodded, "Yes, thank you."

"You're welcome. Just stay here and let us do our job and we'll get everyone out of here as soon as we can." Jane was relieved to look up at the crowd and see Bobby leading the intrusive man away, the one who had been trying to nose his way onto the scene. After a few words, the other bystanders calmed down and acquiesced when Jane lead them to sit out of the way on the couches. Even the nosy Nellie stopped giving her a hard time and sat down.

"Airways clear," Chimney informed them as he removed his ear from where it was near the man's mouth to hear if there was a blockage. "No medic alert bracelet. Jaws not clenched. Tongue is neutral."

"All right. Get him started on O2. Ten liters," Bobby said, taking in the scene. Then he looked at the woman who appeared to be in charge. "You said there was a second patient?"

The woman led Jane, Bobby, Hen, and Eddie all back to the vault where they saw an older man in a suit on the floor, spasming like the man in front was. Hen took the lead to the patient and Jane followed close behind her.

"Same as the courier out front," Hen declared, going down to her knees with her medical bag right there with her, "Exhibiting extreme muscle spasms. Cap, pupils are dilated."

Without thinking about it, Jane sat down at his side and grabbed his hand. "Don't worry sir. You'll be okay. Hen, you need me to keep him still?"

"That would be helpful," The other woman admitted. She didn't want to hurt him and so she took both of his hands in hers and leveraged them to keep him still.

"Hen, his hands feel moist as well. Its likely perspiration, but its in copious amounts."

"I don't know what we're looking at here," Bobby admitted.

Then it was Eddie who started it all, "Could be a nerve agent." Really, in retrospect it wasn't his fault. Given a few more minutes, one of the other first responders likely would have offered up the same suggestion. But they didn't, and Eddie Diaz got the ball to the master plan rolling.

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