Chapter 37

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Without any further delay, Alex grabbed his phone and ran, following Derek's earlier request to call security. Mark watched wide eyed as Derek pressed pass him, quickly turning his steps back into the sprint of before.

Mark snapped into action, following Derek only paces behind.

"Derek! Wait! Think about this a minute! Do you even know how to use that thing?"

Derek didn't stop, he pressed on as he answered over his shoulder.

"I bought this a few months ago. I knew he would come back. I just had this feeling. Mer wouldn't agree to hiring a private body guard, so I took a gun safety class with out her knowing. I bought this forty caliber as soon as I got my license... been hiding it in my office ever since. I swear Mark... If I'm too late... I'm gonna blow his head off."

Mark knew Derek wasn't bluffing and couldn't help but think he'd never seen him so enraged. He followed the rest of the way in silence, hoping they weren't too late. Hoping security would get here quick.


Meredith whimpered as the man's hand came down hard across her face, sending a fiery shock through her cheek and pulsated through her temple. She called out in fear, her scream echoing off the sterile tile of the cold bathroom, adding fuel to the man's rage.

She cowered in the corner, sunk down on her knees, desperate to protect the growing life inside her. She was too weak to fight anymore. Too scared to do anything but tremble on the hard ground. Scenes flashed through her head.

The night of the handsome stranger in a good looking red shirt who had picked her up at the new bar she'd found.

That handsome stranger quickly turning into someone she couldn't live with out, some one she didn't even remember when she'd fallen in love with.

Their years of separation.

The amazing moments of Hanna's birth.

She and Derek reunited; rekindling the spark that had never really went out.

The first time Derek had told her he loved her.

Her very first birthday party and all her friends showing their love and support.

Derek getting down on one knee and purposing.

Finding out they were expecting another child.

Her tears of pain and fear quickly turned to tears of remorse and sorrow. She would never get to see Hanna wear her first two piece. Shave her legs for the first time. Go on her first date with some nervous teenager boy.

She'd never get to see Hanna walk down the aisle and join lives with another man. Watch as Hanna brought her own babies into the world.

She'd never get to give Derek their second child. She'd miss him growing old. They wouldn't spend the rest of their lives together hand in hand like he'd promised. She was being deprived of all her dreams and desires.

Derek was being robbed of the woman he loved.

Meredith looked up once more through her teary swollen eyes as dark eyes hovered over her. She closed her eyes, bracing herself for the next blow, as he lifted his large booted foot and an evil smile stole across his face.

This was it. She had succumbed to her inevitable end.

Her body tensed as it waited for the impact. The man moved his foot back and gathered all his strength in this good leg and took a swing.

A loud, sickening crack erupted through the room as the heavy wooden door came crashing open. Wood splinters sifted through the air as everyone tried to figure out what was happening.

Derek took one look at Meredith, her face bleeding and pale, curled in a ball on the floor. He raised his blazing eyes to the man hovering over her and his heart started beating even harder in his chest.

This time the quickened pulse was not out of fear. It was from pure rage. He had hurt his Meredith. That bastard had harmed his love.

O'Dandridge's eyes were wide with shock. He turned and raised his hand and took a step towards the two intruders at the door.

Without any further uncertainty, Derek raised the gun and pointed it directly at the O'Dandridge's heart. The attacker stopped and his mouth dropped stunned.

Derek braced himself and easily pulled the trigger. The noise was deafening and light smoke filled the small bathroom. O'Dandridge dropped to the floor motionless as warm crimson slowly spread through his shirt.

Derek left the gun fall softly to the ground as he quickly stepped over the body and gathered his shaking fiancée in his arms.

Meredith had kept her eyes closed through the whole ordeal and had yet to open them; to afraid to want to know what had happened. When his arms touched her, she jumped and frantically tried to push him away until his low calm voice broke through her terrorized mind.

"It's okay Mer. I got you. Everything's going to be okay. He's never going to hurt you again."

Meredith dared to peak an eye open and was met with the most beautiful sight. Derek's intense blue ones were inches away, peering deep into her own, full of concern and alarm.

She threw her arms around his neck and he held her tight. He rocked back and forth, comforting her like a child as she sobbed, letting out all her fear, all her pain, her chilling despair.

They stayed that way. Locked in a lovers embrace as first the hospital security came running in, guns drawn. They were quickly followed by Seattle PD and eventually the FBI.

Derek and Meredith were oblivious to it all. The commotion, the questions, the detectives marking off the crime scene.

They held on to each other for dear life. Knowing the nightmare was finally over.
Derek relished the feeling of his love pressed against his chest, enjoying the hard beating of her heart drumming against his own.

Meredith basked in the safety of Derek's arms, letting her dreams of growing old with him renew, the peace and serenity that only his love brought, washing over her and baptizing her in joy.

Once again... they had held on to each other... and true love had conquered it all.


He didn't know how much time had passed, but Derek's back was stiff and his legs numb from the awkward position he assumed on the hard floor. Meredith's sobs had ceased, but she had yet to release the strong grip she had on Derek's shirt and she remained cuddled, her body shivering every once in a while, on his lap.

A detective motioned to Derek, signaling it was time. The investigation needed to continue with them two out of the way and a stretcher was waiting to tend to Meredith's injuries.

She didn't object, she didn't say a word as Derek effortlessly lifted her up and carried her to the tiny soft bed. The waiting nurses and interns immediately started moving, needing to quickly get her upstairs to labor and delivery to check things out. Meredith kept her eyes closed, but Derek knew she wasn't sleeping, as the bed moved on. He stayed at her side, her small shaky hand clasped desperately to his as they entered the elevator and moved a few floors up.

Still no one spoke. Those looking on had wide eyes. Too shocked to even speak condolences. Derek's throat was dry from the emotions of the night. Meredith hadn't offered any speech and everyone was beginning to worry.

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