Part 31

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You: Someone can please show me my dorm?

Blaise: Oh, we left one little are a prefect and well...Draco is going to take my place again..., so you are going to share a dorm.

Ginny: WHAT?! MALFOY?! Again?

You: T-the the rude slytherin? Great.Just great.

Ron: Wait, when did he switched?

Blaise: Last night.

(You heard someone's laughter, that was so familiar, yet it left you with a pit in your heart. You turned around only to roll your eyes at Draco who was sitting in a big tree laughing at you. You tensed your jaw and returned to your friends.)

You: I'll be right back, I need to have a little chat with mister arrogant.

Blaise: This should be interesting-

You: Ha ha, very funny. (You laughted without humor and maked your way to Draco who was now laughing wiping his tears away.)
You: Don't you think you are exaggerating? (You said looking up at him with your arms crossed to your chest.)

Draco: What?! I can't hear you, sorry! (He pretended.)

You: Well get down then!

Draco: One more push. (He muttered to himself.) I still can't hear you, and I'm not in the mood of hearing your annoying voice! (Anger started boiling inside of you and you throwed him a deadly look.)

You: You little prat! Get down right this instant! Do you think this is funny?! (You snapped. As Draco though, you snapped, he knew exactly how to push all your buttons down and he smirked victoriously.)

(With one jump he was down, approaching you, like you were his next pray, but you standed still, waiting for his next move. Somehow you liked arguing with him, and you wanted so bad to have the last word, to prove him that you are not as low as he laughted at you earlier.)

Draco: What were you saying? (He said with a smirk that only maked you angrier.)

You: I swear to Merlin I'll wipe that smirk off your face Malfoy!

Draco: Say my name, Y/n... (He licked his lips.)

You: Not in a million years. Malfoy.

Draco: Say. It. (He demanded and you find it quite amusing, yet you liked his dominance.)

You: Are you deaf? I.Said.No. (You smiled sarcastically.)

Draco: I am deaf only when that little mouth of yours doesn't stop talking... (You left a big groan and turned around to leave, but he caught you wrist and turned you around, your bodies almost touching each other. There was this awkward silence, even feeling that haunted felt like you already done exactly the same thing before. His look in his grey eyes, that stupid smirk placed on his lips, that cold touch on your wrist that maked your body shiver.)

(You wanted to yell at him, to tell him to let you go, but none of these words left your mouth. You where speechless, just like Draco expected you to be, and that maked his smirk only grow wider.)

Draco: Done staring?

You: I-I, what the hell? Let me- (But you couldn't finish as he stepped closer and you felt his hot breath on your neck.)

Draco: You love it, don't you? Be a good girl and admit it, or- I'll have to get it out of you...

(You suddenly snatched your hand from his grip, who had now red finger prints on it and before you walked away, anger boiling inside of you, you looked one more time into his mesmerazing grey eyes.)

You: Fuck. You. (You said evidentiating each word. You walked faster than usual back to your friends, but you still heard his voice and his laughter that bring you over the edge.)

Draco: Oh, I will-don't worry, back to our dorm! (You reached your friends and throwed them a look like -What?- and you saw Blaise smirking.)

You: What's so funny? Did you heard what he just said? (You said agitated, but deep down, there was this feeling that told you, you kinda enjoyied it, but you putted it aside.)

Blaise: I know what he is doing-I mean I'm not surprised, Draco is Draco. (He said rolling his eyes playfully.)

You: Well can you please explain it to me, because I really don't get it-

Blaise: Merlin, he is even more desperate than I though-

You: Tell me already! (Harry wanted to interwine, but Blaise sended him a wink and he backed down with a huff, smiling.)

You: Can someone tell me what's going on?!

Blaise: I'm so exhausted. (He faked a yawn, I think I'll just go to bed...)

Ginny: No one's buying it ya know? I mean we're in the middle of the day.
(She said rolling her eyes but still smiled.)

You: Agree-but I'll ask you again sooner or later, don't worry, can't someone show me my dorm?

Blaise: I'm afraid only Draco knows the password-Malfoy! (He shouted.) MATE, COME HERE!

You: N-no, Blais-

Draco: What? (He said from behind, but you stayed like that, with your back facing him.)

Blaise: Show Y/n her dorm.

Draco: Gladly. (He said eyeing you up and down when you finally turned around.)

You: Let's go already. (You huffed in annoyance. You followed him down the corridor without saying any words to him, despise he was talking to you.)

Draco: The password is Bloodroot poison. (The door opened and you saw again for the first time the wonderful common room that maked you smile.)

You: Well this is nice- (You said satified looking around.)

Draco: I know what's nicer-history repeating I guess. (The last sentence he said almost in a whisper.)

You: What?! What are talking about? (You said rolling your eyes.)

Draco:'re welcome by the way.

You: I didn't say thank you did I? (You said sarcastically and maked your way to your bedroom.)
I guess I had the last word. (You said with a chuckle making him furrow his eyebrows.)

Draco: You wanna play that game, eh? Fine, Y/l/n, but I'm the one who is going to win. (He warned with a smirk and slammed the door shut behind him, leaving you alone.)

Hi there all I hope you are enjoying this book love you all I am thinking of starting a Peter Parker and Y/n book after this pls leave some comments on what you want it about and added into the book.

Love ya all's!! 🐍🍏🧙🏻‍♂️🧙🏻‍♀️

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