Unexpected Match | Obanai x Fem!Demon!Reader (Fluff)

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Soulmates AU

Requested by renee082208

(F/c): favorite color


"Rui stop! Elder Sister didn't mean it!" (Y/n) pleaded as Rui cut Elder Sister's face for reverting back to her original appearance. In response, Rui cut (Y/n)'s face with his threads but not enough to decapitate her.

"I'm sick and tired of your meddling little sister." Rui said. "It's time your place." (Y/n) braced for Rui's threads but they never came. "What are you looking at?" Rui could be heard asking but it wasn't directed at her nor Elder Sister.

(Y/n) opened her eyes and caught sight of a burgundy haired demon slayer giving Rui an accosted look. An argument broke out between Rui and the demon slayer about family ties.

"A bond held together by fear is not a true family bond!" The redhead said. His words struck a core in (Y/n). She had argue the same thing to Rui, but he never listened.

"Take back what you said, or you will pay." Rui threated as he readied his threads.

"Rui no! He has a point! And until you realize that I'm out of this pretend family."

Rui gritted his teeth. "Then you are no longer under my protection. I'll kill you both!" He sent his threads to cut her and the demon slayer, kick starting the battle between them.


The battle was long and grueling but the demon slayer Tanjiro and his demon sister Nezuko managed to behead Rui and (Y/n) made sure that Rui didn't use his threads to remove his head. The next trouble came with the arrival of the Water Hashira, Giyuu and the Insect Hashira, Shinobu. Luckily, their crows informed them of a new order to take Tanjiro, Nezuko and (Y/n) to the demon slayer corps HQ so (Y/n) was safe from beheading. At least for now.

As they neared the garden of HQ, a red string wrapped around (Y/n)'s pinky finger and became more defined the closer they got. She glanced at the other people waking on both sides. Their blank faces signaled that they couldn't see the string so (Y/n) kept it to herself.

This must be that red string of fate mom and dad used to tell me about. So then... I'm going to be my true love. (Y/n) smiled to herself and began picking up the pace. Everyone else chalked it up to her trying to find shade from the incoming sun so they didn't try to stop her.

Coming into the large, beautiful stone garden (Y/n) looked around at the other Hashira present then followed the string to a tree a bit further away on the far end of where they were gathered. She was so fixated on the string that she didn't care to notice how Giyuu, Shinobu and Tanjiro had to hold the other Hashira back from attacking her.

"You have got to be kidding me." A dry voice mumbled from above her as she sat down in the shade of three.

She raised her head up following the end of the red string tied around someone else's pinky. Then she made eye contact with the heterochromia eyes of a dumbfounded man with long jet black hair laid on one of the tree's branches. Although he mouth and nose were bandaged, anyone can tell that his mouth was agape from pure shock. The white snake coiled around his neck let out a mocking hiss at the situation.

"Oi Iguro what's wrong? You aren't looking so flamboyant right now." Uzui teased signaling he knew what was going on even though he couldn't see the red string himself.

"Its nothing." Iguro huffed. Upon the master's arrival, Iguro jumped down from the tree and roughly slammed (Y/n)'s head to the ground in a forced bow.

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