Ways to Cope P.2 | Tamayo x Daughter!Reader (Fluff)

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Requested by thatonelesbianfriend

(f/c): favorite color

(g/n): girlfriend's name

(f/d): favorite dessert


Tamayo was sorting through some newly bought ingredients required for medicines she was low on making sure everything was there before she began concocting the medicines. She had just finished one of the medicines when an idea came to mind.

"(Y/n) can you come please." Tamayo called. A pair of footsteps could be heard running from upstairs and another pair from the living room. Tamayo knew one of those footsteps were Yushiro's. He always rushed to her side regardless of whether or not she called for him.

Yushiro was the first to get to Tamayo but stayed silent seeing as there wasn't any visible threat. (Y/n) walked in seconds later. She wasn't wearing her doctor's coat which she kept on during business hours. Instead, she had a lovey (f/c) blazer over a plain white shirt and (a skirt/pants), casual but not lacking in expense.

"What is it mom?" (Y/n) asked, snapping Yushiro and Tamayo out of the trance they didn't realize they were in.

"Are you going out again?" 

"Oh yeah. Is there something you need though?"

"I was going to ask if you wanted to learn how to make some of the more complicating medicines, but we can do it another time." 

"Oh sure. We can do that tomorrow!" (Y/n) said while smiling then looked at the time. "I'm late! I gotta go!" She ran back to her room for her wallet then was out the front door before Tamayo or Yushiro could ask questions.

"She's been going out too much lately." Yushiro said, eyes furrowed with concern. "You don't think she's gone back to drinking again."

Tamayo shook her head. "No. She always comes home sober. I wonder what she's up to."


A couple of hours had passed when (Y/n) came back smiling from ear to ear and feeling like she was walking on clouds. She made her way to her room and took her blazer off, still on cloud nine until a knock at her door brought her back to earth.

"Come in." (Y/n) said. Tamayo opened the door and walked in.

"Welcome back." She said, taking note of (Y/n) wide smile.

"Thanks mom."

"So... where did you go?" Tamayo asked, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, and patting the empty space beside her.

(Y/n)'s smile turned into a nervous one as she sat down. "I went out to eat. I felt the need to unwind."

"You've already went out eight times this month and it's only been two weeks. Are you feeling that stressed about your job? There's nothing wrong with it but you should tell me so Yushiro and I can lift some of the responsibilities from you."

"No! No! It's not that. I just..." (Y/n) thought long and hard, clearly trying to think of how to say something she was hiding.

Tamayo waited patiently for (Y/n) to answer while thinking about her behavior lately, mainly the blissful smile she had each time she came home. Tamayo swore she had seen herself with that smile before, but it was a long time ago when... she first fell in love. Her eyes widened at the realization. A short conversation she had with (Y/n) came to mind.

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