Yeah...A Dream

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Qrow's POV; Slight spoiler for Volume 8, Chapter 8.

I was walking on the snowy tundra, warm because of my full Aura. I didn't have my weapon which scared me, since I don't go anywhere without it. Then, I saw a glowing green orb. My eyes were mesmerized by the glow.

Then, the green light turned into a blood red. Then, I heard Clover's voice. "Good luck". The red light then blinded me and I woke up with a start.

I was back in the cell and I sat up, seeing the others around me look bored. Jacques Schnee was hugging himself, looking like he just got mugged. Mr. Sherlock was staring off into space and Robyn was looking at me in concern.

"I know it's hard sleeping here. You okay?", she said.

"Yeah...", I replied.

It was just a dream.

Then, I saw an explosion hit the cells. "Get down!!", I shouted and I turned into my crow form.

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