The Absolute Point

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A/N: Based off of Marvel Studio's What If?... Episode 4, "What If...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?"

"Evening, handsome.", Clover told Qrow, who looked at his husband in awe.

"Oh, this, well, I just pulled it outta the dryer, whereas you...*sighs* stunning.", Qrow said, holding Clover's hand, leading him into their car.

As Qrow drove him and Clover to their home, they were still on the deserted road, talking about basically anything.

"Qrow?", Clover asked.

"Hmm?", Qrow replied with a smile.

"Do you...wanna have a kid? Not natural, though, cause, heh, we can't do that!! But...adopt?"

But before Qrow could answer, another car crashed from behind them, and they crashed into a nearby building.

Qrow awoke with a gasp and looked around and nothing hurt, but he saw Clover, lifeless.

"Cloves? Clover, NO!! Clover!!", Qrow screamed as he held Clover close, kissing him and crying.


About a week later, Qrow sought help...just not in the very "Qrow" way. You see, Qrow ventured to Shade at the altar of Aevum, the Remnant Goddess of Time.

Then, a green smoke appeared and took the form of a woman, Aevum herself.

"What brings you here, mortal?"

"My name is Qrow Branwen. My husband has died and...I really really want him back.", Qrow cried.

Then, Qrow felt something in his hand. A gold chained necklace with a green gem on it. Qrow then put it on and he eventually was transported to the night of the crash.

The voice of Aevum boomed in his head, "If you need to go back in time again, you can always tap the gem."

But, once again, Clover dies. Qrow keeps on trying to prevent his death, but it always happens.

One last time, as Qrow crawled out of the car where the accident started, he began to think of the memories the two had.

The day they met. Their mission in Atlas. The day they fell in love after Clover came back to life. The passionate nights they spent. The mornings they woke up to each other in.

The memories were too much for Qrow and he screamed into the night sky, mentally begging what did he do to deserve this.

Then, a portal appeared in front of him and out came Aevum.

"Good evening, Branwen. Car trouble?", she asked. Aevum had a rather English tone in her voice.

"Why does this keep happening?", Qrow asked.

"Before I even arrived to you, I found out that the death of Clover Ebi is an Absolute Point."

"What the hell is that?", Qrow asked.

"A point in time that is forever. Irreversible. It is impossible."

"Well how only now I find out about this?!?!"

"Because I didn't know. It is my mistake to give you that gem. Now please hand it over.", Aevum asked.

"No.", Qrow refused as he tried to reach for the gem to tap it but Aevum conjured a portal under Qrow, causing the necklace to fall off of him and Aevum caught it.

In the world that Qrow was in, he saw Clover.

He was alive and healthy.

"Wha-What is this?", Qrow asked.

"This is what would happen if I let you go. You would eventually bring Clover back and spend your time together. But..."

Aevum showed Qrow what would happen. Clover walked up to Qrow but Clover fell to his knees and disappeared, leaving the projected Qrow to wallow in pity.

Qrow lowered his head and asked Aevum to send him back.

Aevum gave Qrow a look of sadness and teleported him back.


"Don't.", Qrow said, his voice more gravelly than normal.

He muttered a quiet 'thanks' and walked into his apartment, mourning the loss of Clover and trying to move on...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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