Fairgame Week 1: Sun/Moon

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A/N: In a world where gods and goddesses are worshipped, there are two teenage gods, the Sun God Clover and the Moon God Qrow. Contains angst with the fluff-ender and a lengthy chapter.

Clover looked up at the blue sky he had created and frowned. After receiving the news from his dad, Henry, that he was to be betrothed to Aphros, the Goddess of Love, he was heartbroken.

Strangely enough, he had been seeing someone else. The Moon God Qrow. Yep, Clover was gay. However, he hadn't told his father yet.

Meanwhile, with Qrow, he sat in his room, pretty sad and he played with Clover's lucky pin that he was given one night when the two were meeting. Their meetings occurred a lot.

But, Qrow was gonna get betrothed too. To the Goddess of Snow, Winter. Some chick he didn't wanna be with.

But, that night, the met again. And this time, Clover had an unexpected plan.

"Let's tell them.", Clover said, kissing Qrow's hands.

"Wait, what?!?", Qrow said, obviously surprised.

Clover smiled with determination. "Yeah. That way, we don't have to be with the people we don't wanna be with, they can go their separate ways, and we can go ours."

Qrow thought about this. "What if...they kick us out and we become mortals?"

"As long as we're together, that's all that matters, love.", Clover said, kissing Qrow's temple.

Qrow nodded and after their night, they went their separate ways so Clover could bring up the sun, but meanwhile, Qrow was fast asleep.

The Moon God found himself...at the Sun Palace, where Clover lives. He looked around and saw that Clover was at a wedding. Thinking that he was in the audience, he smiled, seeing Clover in his nicest jade outfit, his favorite color.

But, as he looked closer, he realized it wasn't the case. Clover was the groom!! In a panic, Qrow wondered why he wasn't there. Then, he saw.

That jealous b*tch. Aphros, the Goddess of Love. She was in a rather bland white dress with flowers on it. But, as they began to kiss, it was the most horrific thing he'd seen.

But, he didn't see the rest because the ground broke beneath him and he down from the sky. The last thing he saw was the earth below.

Qrow woke up with a gasp. He felt that his face was wet and he realized he was crying in his sleep. He dried up his tears and walked to the Sun Palace.

Once he got there, the first thing he saw made him lost it. There Clover was, standing at the balcony, looking stoic. But, a woman, Aphros, to be exact, walked up to Clover, wrapped her arms around him from behind, and kissed him. And Clover kissed back.

All Qrow did was stand there in anguish as he saw the love of his life kiss the b*tch they both despised since childhood.

He went on his knees, and cried. But, you see, the gods and goddesses have powers. While Clover and bring light, warmth, and the sun, Qrow can bring night, and the moon.

But, when the powered ones become too emotional, they lose control. And so, Qrow did.

He was so sad and shocked, he screamed into the sky, and just like that, an eternal darkness covered the entire earth. But, due to his strife, he also accidentally summoned creatures born from discord, Grimm.

Then, Qrow was eventually trapped in a lonely dark chamber that had never shown up in a while.

Meanwhile, Clover saw the eternal darkness and knew immediately, it was Qrow. But, he was in a trance. He then snapped out of it and realized it was Aphros. Her power is hypnos amor, which is love hypnosis.

But, Clover, who retraced his steps and remembered exactly what happened, he threw Aphros on the ground and shouted at her face.

But, Aphros, who doesn't fight, tried her best to hypnotize Clover again, but it didn't work, and he threw her out of the palace and out of the heavens, sending her falling to become a mortal.

He then rushed to the Midnight Palace, but saw a giant purple and black rectangular shape in the sky. It had chains around it and as he went to go inside, he heard the people of the Palace say:

"I heard it's the god who's in there."

"This hasn't happened in a millennia."

"Somebody must've really broken his heart."

Tears in his eyes, Clover runs to the chamber and for some reason, he went through it.

The entire interior was a dark purple. He saw a sobbing person on the bed in the center. It was Qrow.

"Oh, goodness."

He walked up and placed a hand on Qrow's shoulder. He took a breath and exhaled. Then, he climbed on the bed with Qrow and hugged him.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. That witch hypnotized me. I am so sorry.", Clover apologized.

Qrow then sniffled and turned around. He knew that Clover was telling the truth. That pretty head on his shoulders said so.

Then, he jumped on Clover and gave him a giant hug and kiss. Then, the chamber around them dissipated and the Grimm perished, turning into dust.

When the two landed on a walkway, they decided to get married. Winter and Aphros were not betrothed but instead free to do their average duties, and the heavens and earth lived in harmony once more, this time, the Moon God and Sun God weren't separate...they were together forever.

The End

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