Fairgame Week 5: Hands

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A/N: Something short and sweet

Clover had just woken up from a nightmare that make him tremble. Mainly, his hands. He woke up crying and immediately, Qrow rushed to his side, trying to calm him down.

Then, Qrow grabbed Clover's hands and lifted them so he could kiss it. "You're safe, Cloves. Don't worry.", Qrow whispered.

"Thanks. I don't think I'll ever sleep again, can you stay up with me?", Clover asked, giving puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, anything for you.", Qrow replied, giving a peck on his husband's cheek.

And so, the two eventually stayed up and watched movies, until Clover finally went to sleep, and Qrow turned off the TV and cuddled with his hubby.

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