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Requested by AlphaWolf0215. TW: S*xual abuse, all types of abuse, r*pe. Enjoy!!

Where were we? Oh, yeah! After a few weeks of fighting Grimm, Winter, the new General of Atlas, finally gave Clover and Qrow a break. So, the two decided to go on a date. Gods, they haven't done that in a while.

After they got dressed, the two departed to a fancy restaurant.

"Table for two, please?", Clover asked the lady at the front desk, who, surprisingly, her cheeks were painted the bisexual flag.

"Oh, sure!!", the lady said as she guides the couple to their table.

"Hey, nice face paint.", Qrow complemented.

"Heh. Thanks. I just came back from a pride parade and I had my amazing girlfriend paint my face. I couldn't take it off on time, lol."

Once they got to their table, the lady got the boy's order and went back to the kitchen. Clover ordered a small salad and stir fry and Qrow ordered some spicy shrimp ramen.

Once the two were finished, Clover and Qrow were chatting and telling jokes. Then, Clover's Scroll was buzzing. He picked it up and saw that it was Winter, surprisingly. He answered it and gestured to Qrow that he was gonna be right back. He walked away and Qrow was alone. He leaned against a wall and saw someone from his past.

There, approaching him, was the drunken figure of Kaetus Astuto, his very abusive ex-boyfriend.

"Oh my Oum, is that you, Branwen?", he slurred.

Qrow's eyes went wide and he tried to hold in his fear. You see, Kaetus was very very abusive towards Qrow. He only liked Qrow because of his looks. They dated a bit before Tai and Summer had Ruby. Kaetus was a homeless guy whose Semblance was stolen by a criminal (who is now dead) named Marcus Black. However, Kaetus was very very abusive towards him, and by abusive, I mean he mentally, physically, and even, s*xually abused him.

Qrow tried to walk away, but he felt two hands on his shoulders. He was instantly pinned on an alleyway wall by Kaetus and he said, "This is for leaving me, you wh*re."

Then, Kaetus' lips smashed onto Qrow's and he didn't want to kiss back, so, he pushed him away. "No!! I've had it with your abuse, Kaetus!", he shouted after taking a breath.

"So be it.", Kaetus said. Qrow took a step away and Kaetus grabbed Qrow and started to...touch him. "No, Kaetus. Stop it!!", Qrow begged.

Kaetus' hands went on Qrow's cheek, and slithered down to his side. Qrow tried to squirm out of his grip, but it was no use. "HELP!!", he screamed from the top of his lungs, but Kaetus threw a free hand on Qrow's mouth.

Then, his hand continued to slither down until it reached...down there. Then, Kaetus...proceeded to take off his clothes, making Qrow have a giant wave of memories come back to him as Kaetus r*ped him.

One day, he was on the couch, watching TV. Then, a drunk Kaetus came in. "Branwen!", he shouted, which threw fear in Qrow. He looked at Qrow and slapped him, but Qrow didn't flinch. He looked at Kaetus in strength, he wasn't scared. But, what Kaetus did to him, that scared him. Kaetus then grabbed Qrow's collar and shouted in his face. He then threw Qrow on the ground and unbuttoned his shirt, and proceeded to unbutton Qrow's gray dress shirt as well.

"W-What are you doing?", Qrow asked, his voice quaking in fear.

Kaetus shushed him and put his gross finger in his mouth. "Shh...I'm gonna make you respect me, you dirty wh*re." Qrow jerked his hand away from Kaetus' finger, he growled and punched Qrow, shattering his Aura and knocking him out. Then, Kaetus actually r*ped him. Once poor Qrow woke up and saw that Kaetus was sleeping, he called his sister, crying during the call. Raven, being the big sister she is, decided to let her little brother stay with him for an entire year, making sure her little brother is safe. The next day, she eventually found the man and beat him up.

"Heh, looks like big sister ain't here to save you, huh, Branwen?", Kaetus whispered and bit Qrow's ear. Qrow tried to scream but they were muffled and hot tears streamed down his face. Eventually, the world went black and he passed out, Kaetus still r*ping him.

"Hey!", a voice boomed in the alley. Qrow looked up and thankfully saw Clover at the end of the alley. He ran to the two men and lifted Kaetus off of Qrow, clutching his collar.

"What the h*ll is wrong with you, you b*tch!! You leave my husband alone!!", Clover spat at Kaetus.

"Oh, that was your husband? Well, he seemed to love it." Clover looked at Qrow and he was passed out. Clover pushed Kaetus and pinned him to a nearby wall and punched him, knocking him out.

"You f*cking b*stard.", Clover whispered to Kaetus' unconscious body as he picked up his unconscious husband and walked to a nearby infirmary, kissing his forehead...

(TBC; A/N: if any of you have been through any type of abuse, I am here to talk because nobody should go through something as horrendous as abuse and rape. You peeps have an amazing day. Apologies that the chapter turned that dark. But don't worry, like all my angst-starters, they always end in fluff!)

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