I'll Be Your Hero

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A/N: Sequel to "No". Contains suggestive language and a foul word. Any of you, I repeat, any of you who have been/are going through abuse, feel free to talk to me bc ABUSE IS HORRENDOUS AND NO HUMAN BEING/ANIMAL SHOULD GO THROUGH THAT.

"Worthless. Wh*re. Toy. Waste of time.", Kaetus would spit at Qrow. Qrow sat on the floor, his hands bound by some rope and set in front of him. Kaetus grabbed Qrow's chin, and Qrow immediately jerked away, and it just made Kaetus even more angry. He then punched Qrow and everything went black.

Qrow gasped awake, his chest heaving and everything hurt. He sobbed at the pain and the nightmare he just had. He was then met with Clover hugging him. "Oh my Gods.", Qrow whispered and he held on to Clover, tight.

Take my hand, I'm here to protect you. Nothing will stop me.

"Oh, Gods, Qrow, are you okay?", Clover asked with concern. Qrow just looked down on the side and bawled. "I-I-I'm tired of it, Cloves. I hated him. I hated how handsome I was for him to be attracted to me. That's why I always put myself down. I...hate....myself.", Qrow confessed.

This made his teal-eyed husband look at Qrow in pity. He kissed Qrow on his forehead. "Qrow Branwen. Look at me. As long as we are together, you, I repeat, NEVER EVER tell me that you hate yourself. Never let your past claw back at you, okay?"

Qrow nodded and sighed. "How did I end up with an amazing person like you?", he asked.

Clover winked and told his husband. "You just got lucky, I guess?" They both chuckled and eventually, Kaetus was found, he was found guilty of what he did and was given 20 years in jail. And Winter was furious for what he did to his friends, and oh my goodness, did Winter give that guy a beating.

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