Call Me By Your Name

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A/N: AU where you turn 18 and you hear your soulmate singing. In this one, Clover turns 18 and hears a rather...explicit song from his future S/O. The character, Monty Lamar Hill, alludes to Lil Nas X; Monty Hill, like Lil Nas, is gay and POC; the song is owned by Lil Nas X.

Clover Ebi woke up to see his parents screaming, "Happy Birthday!!", making him shriek and fall out of bed. Immediately, his mom, Emily, wrapped him in a giant hug, and his dad, Henry, placed a peck on Clover's forehead. The day went by fast and Clover was ready to chill with his friends, Elm and Marrow, when he heard a really deep voice sing in his head.

"Call me when you want, call me when you need, call me in the morning, I'll be on the way", a voice mumbled.

Clover's eyes widened. He had heard of this and Elm got worried. "Yo, Cloves. You good?", Elm asked.

"Yeah. You know the whole song thing when you turn 18?", Clover asked. Both Marrow and Elm nodded and Marrow said, "Wait, you mean, you already got your soulmate song?" Clover said yes and he had an idea.

At a nearby park, Clover searched up the song title of the lyrics that his soulmate was singing. Then, he found the song...and the singer.

"Okayy. I got the info. It says here that the song is named, "Call Me By Your Name", by Monty Lamar Hill, or MLH for short. Let's see the video.", Clover said and he pressed play on his Scroll, playing the music video.

They regretted it. After watching the music video, Clover was a blushing mess and Elm glared at the screen, covering Marrow's eyes. "ARE YOU SURE THAT'S YOUR SOULMATE?!?!", Elm screamed.

"I- erm...", Clover was having a gay panic, he was speechless. Apparently, either his soulmate was gay or somewhat into boys. But, that night, Clover couldn't get that song out of his head. It was so catchy, he started to hum it.

Meanwhile, in Beacon, Qrow Branwen was humming his favorite song, "Call Me By Your Name", then, as he stopped to drink a cup of water, he heard a hum in his head. He looked up to see his team sleeping, and he thought, "Wow, does my soulmate like this song?"

Then, Qrow walked outside on a hill and sang, "Call me when you want, call me when you need, call me in the morning, I'll be on the way."

Then, a voice sang back, singing, "Call me when you want, call me when you need, call me in the morning, I'll be on the way like, call me by your name, and tell me you love me in private"

"Call me by your name"

"I do not care if you're lyin"

Qrow quietly chuckled to himself and at the same time in Atlas, Clover did the same. The two eventually hummed something else, Clover gazing at his ceiling and Qrow gazing at the stars...

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