Fairgame Week 4: Separation/Reunion

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A/N: Steven Universe AU; Based off of a really nice Ruby x Sapphire moment;

Ruby wakes up, her eyes shot open in a cell. A weird looking one. She tries to retrace her steps.



An image of her uncles are split, breaking their fusion, and a flash.


She walked to the front of the cell, and there was a light blue transparent door. She pressed her finger to it, and she felt her finger tips leave the cell. "Cool", she exclaimed.

Hold up...

She stuck her finger out, then her hand, and all she felt was water. Her eyes sparkled.


Then, she managed to fit her whole body and she escaped and was free.


She walked around until she saw a cell with...her uncle...

He was sobbing, crying as if someone took something important from him. Or someone.

"Uncle Qrow...you okay?", Ruby asked.

"Ruby? Oh, Gods, you're okay!!", he said.

"Hold on, I'm gonna get you out.", she said, clearing a pathway. Not to mention the water falling down on her.

Then, they heard Clover yelling out Qrow's name. The two looked with a determined face.

Qrow slid out from under the opening, grabbed his niece, and ran to the voice. Qrow went one way and Ruby dashed through the corridor. She eventually Clover and got him out.

Then, she covered her and Clover with her cape and they dashed to Qrow.

"*gasp* QROW!!", Clover exclaimed.

"CLOVER!!", Qrow exclaimed with tears in his eyes.

The two hugged and Qrow said, "Did they hurt you?", cupping his hand on Clover's cheek.

"I don't freaking care!!", Clover said, holding Qrow's hand.

Qrow had tears and Clover kissed his tears and lifted him up from the waist and they twirled, laughing, and they turned into Qrowver.

And Ruby looked amazement at the very first time this happened.

"Ruby!!", Qrowver said, "thanks."

"No problem, Uncle Qrowver."

Eventually they found Yang and Weiss and they escaped, together. Later on, they met up with Penny and went out for pizza.

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