it is NOT your fault

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A/N: This chapter and the next two are requested by AlphaWolf0215. She is amazing and she's been giving me requests non-stop and I appreciate it.

One day, Ruby, Qrow, and Clover were walking in Anima to go meet Raven. According to Qrow, Raven apologized to her little brother for what she did back in Mistral. The two made amends and he announced that he was dating Clover.

So, as Ruby was walking along a trail like she was on a tightrope, she asked her uncle. "Hey, Uncle Qrow?"

"Yeah, pipsqueak?", Qrow replied.

"How do yo-", Ruby was then interrupted by an odd-looking Grimm that slashed her, knocking her out and breaking her Aura.

Qrow turned into a bird, flew past the Grimm's sight, grabbed Ruby, and ran out of the Grimm's way. Clover grabbed Ruby but the Grimm grabbed Qrow.

Qrow squirmed in the Grimm's tight grasp. Then, the Grimm's eyes glowed a red color. Then, Qrow's eyes did the same. The last thing Qrow heard was Clover's muffled voice shouting his name.

Then, Qrow was literally thrown into memory lane.

He was in his tent at the tribe and he saw Raven look at him. Qrow felt tired after hours of sparring with her. She was indeed getting stronger than him and their parents hated that. The twins' parents would always beat him and force him to be stronger than that. Then, the image disappeared and he saw Summer. The Silver-Eyed girl looked at Qrow happily and then walked away, her face hanging in shame. Then, Summer's face morphed into Ruby's.

"You see", the Grimm's voice boomed in Qrow's head, "all you do is push people away and all for what? A petty ability that you never use. It's a shame you don't use that energy for good. All you are is a bad luck charm and a disgrace in the Brother Gods' eyes."

Dang, a bit harsh, Qrow thought.

Then, everything went black.

He was slowly coming to and saw Clover shaking his shoulders. "Qrow, honey, wake up!! Don't give in to what that Grimm is saying!!"

Qrow groaned and saw the clear faces of his boyfriend and niece. He sighed heavily and cried, "I am so sorry. It's all my fault. All I do is push people away. All because of a Semblance that isn't any good."

Ruby was speechless. Then, Clover broke the silence and said, "Qrow Branwen. You are the most amazing and most handsome person I've ever met. Nothing is ever your fault. As long as we all have each other, we're okay."

Qrow was then met with the hugs of his niece and boyfriend. He then knew that as long as he had his family, he was safe, and worth, no matter what.

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