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Author's POV

" Bright? Are you fucking mad ? I amn't doing this shit . Moreover, Mew is literally after my life ." Gulf said .

" Please.. Gulf ! Just think! This is one way I can get back Win . Please !!! I want to get back my Win . And I need your help. Please?" Bright pleaded , nearly on his knees now .

" B-But ...." Gulf hesitated .

" Please Gulf ? Please ?" Bright pleaded , tears in his eyes.

Gulf's heart broke . He smiled . " Okay . Fake Boyfriends. Then ?" Gulf asked , and Bright smiled in happiness .

" Yes ! Yes ! I love you so much !" Bright smiled and Gulf smiled back.

" Thanks a lot Gulfie !"

" Welcome Brightie !"


" There is that hoe ! " Fluke gritted his teeth , when he saw Gulf and Bright coming out hand in hand of the canteen .

Win saw their connected hands , and he flared up . He stood up and stormed towards their direction.

He went and stood in front of them , making them halt .

" Woww ! Really ! I am impressed Bright. I mean... I left you and your found another baby? Wowwww ! Such a hole slut. Aren't you? Just to satisfy your dick , you got another baby with a hole ? Greatt !" Win said , causing Mew and Ohmfluke to laugh .

Bright smirked . " So what if I did ? My life . My decision . And I love Gulf . You have any problem?" He said .

Win flared up . " No . You d-don't. You don't love Gulf . You can't love Gulf ."

" And why ? Why can't I love Gulf?" Win fired back , and by now ... everyone stopped by to see what was happening.

" Because you said you love me !" Win cried out .

" Yeah . Even you said that you won't ever leave me. You kept your promise? No . You didn't. Then .. why shall I keep mine ?"

" Because you still now love me !" Win said , helpless .

" I d-don't . I don't love you anymore ." Bright said . " The moment you walked out of my life , to join that playboy , as in.. your boss , Mew Supassit, I also blocked you from my heart . You don't belong in there anymore ." He huffed .

" NO ! YOU CAN'T LOVE GULF!" Win shouted now .


" You know what ? Mew can be called the Father of Thailand. He is the daddy of practically all the boys and girls in here ." ( A/N : I laughed hard at this 🤣🤣)

" What ? How dare you talk to me like that ! Mew is not my daddy or anything. " Win opposed .

" Oh really ? Then who was it who was moaning out Mew's name that Friday itself in the empty classroom , after our break up, which was caused by you? Hah ? I very well know your voice , Win !" Bright said , as tears started brimming up his eyes. Gulf slowly walked towards Bright and rubbed his back , trying to soothe him .

" So what if I fucked him ?" Mew jumped into the scene , and stood by Win , hand on his waist .

Win's eyes widened . He was making it obvious now . What do you expect from Mew Supassit anyways ?

" So you really did get his all shared cock in you ? He really touched you? Say me Win , did you like it? When he shoved his dick in you ? When he asked you to moan his name ? Huh ?" Bright said , as he started walking forwards , causing Win to move backwards.

Win teared up . He knew what he did was wrong, but he was too damn adamant to admit that .

" So what ? I ... I wasn't committed to you then . I could do whatever I wanted to . Yes ! I fucked with Mew . Because I absolutely loved to have his dick shoved inside my ass ." Win said , causing the on lookers to gasp and wiggle their faces in disgust. Win just proved that he was a certified whore .

" Chi ! How can you be so down , Win ! Now I really.. really regret loving you. C'mon Gulf .. baby. It's time for us to go ." Bright said , his heart heavy and face scrunched up in disgust.

Gulf walked up to Bright, and soon , they left the spot .


" Okay ! Bright ! You go back to the dorm ! I'll be back in a few ." Gulf said , as Bright stopped.

" Where are you going Gulf ?" Bright asked.

" Just ... I'll use the washroom, and come back. "

" Okay go ! Be safe ! Come back fast . I'll make the bed till then ."

" Hm . Okay ! You go back . I'll be back soon."

And thus, Gulf and Bright parted ways .

But one thing , they didn't notice was, a dark figure , hiding behind the trees, watching them.

" How can he be safe , Bright ? When the danger is himself behind him ?"


Heyooooo !

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