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Author's POV

" Bitch ! No , not my cup !" Mild yelled,  as Gulf smiled , and dropped the cup from the table , breaking it .

" Hehe ." He laughed cheekily,  as Mild stood up , with blaring nostrils,  and red eyes .

" Gulf .." He came striding to him , with red , big eyes , but instead of running away , Gulf just stood up , heightening over Mild . He was taller than him , so instead of intimidating Gulf,  Mild ended up getting intimidated.

" What Mild ?" He said , leaning in towards him , as Mild leaned back.

" Sorry. " Mild said , feeling small under Gulf's gaze .

Funny right? Gulf should say sorry for breaking Mild's favorite cup , but Mild was the one saying sorry lol .

" Hoi ! Hoi ! Hoi ! Hoi ! Move from above him Gulf , or else he might end up dying. " Boat said , coming inside , and pulling Gulf away from Mild .

" Yea ... anyways , I broke his favorite cup ." Gulf said , settling down on the sofa.

Boat gaped at him , with big eyes , as if seeing Gulf for the first time . " And he was the one saying you sorry?" He asked .

" Yes !" Gulf said, with a proud face .

" Wha—"


Boat was cut off by a loud breaking noise . Both , Gulf and Boat looked around to see Mild laughing evilly , and a red cup broken into pieces in front of his feet .

Gulf looked at him with wide eyes . It was his favorite cup !

He stood up , and was going to run at him , but , a hand held him from behind , and turned him around , and soon a small boy was in his arms , hugging him tightly.

" P'Gulfffffffff !" He exclaimed,  hugging Gulf tightly,  while with his hand , motioning Mild to run away , behind Gulf's back .

Gulf was shocked , but recovered soon , when he realized the boy in his arms was none other than First , his smol baby brother.

Boat held Mild's hand , and they both ran up behind the kitchen slab , knowing that Gulf won't do anything dangerous, provided that First was here .

Gulf smiled and hugged First back , pressing a kiss on his head .

" How are you ?" Gulf asked , after they pulled away from the hug .

" I'm good phi. And you ?"

" Good , maybe. "

" Maybe ?"

" Yes .  And .. how's Ja ?"

" Ja ? He's good . Has to be , Ofcourse! When I'm his boyfriend. " He said , making a proud face , as Gulf laughed.

" That is why I asked how is he considering you are his boyfriend. " Gulf laughed , as First scowled .

" Whaaaat ? PHI !"

" Hahaha . Lol ."

Gulf , and First were laughing,  and here Mild got a notification from his phone.  He took it up and it was a message. 

Minta ❤🕶👄
Hey baby . How are you ?

Mild smiled . Guess , he was in love again . He texted back with a smile .

Good . And I am NOT your baby .

Minta ❤🕶👄
Yea . Whatever you say .

Mhm . Now go . Don't disturb me .

Minta ❤🕶👄
Haha . Just admit it already that you like me .

Yea . In your dreams.  I don't like you .

Minta ❤🕶👄
Okay,  as you wish.  Btw , Sam asked me out on a date today.  Should I go ?


Minta ❤🕶👄
😂😂😂😂. Lol . Jealous ?

You wish . Bye !

Minta ❤🕶👄
Ofcourse! Bye .

Mild laughed , and closed his phone , putting it back in his pocket .

He looked up , and all of them were staring at him with smirking faces .

" What ?" He snapped , as Gulf chuckled.

" So ? Minta huh ?"

" ShUdDuP !"


" WHERE IS GULF ? WHERE THE FUCK IS HE ? Mew ... what's wrong with you ? Why .. why are you behaving so differently? Gulf.. Gulf was just a fucking one night stand , right ? Then .. why .. why the fuck are you going so restless when he's not here ?" Mew was self talking, and destroying things in his room.

His eyes were red , and hands had several marks on them . He had tried bringing in girls and even boys in Gulf's absence,  but to no avail . He just couldn't shove his dick in their assholes .

He was getting restless , and almost numb and mad .

All because Gulf was not there .

And why ?

He didn't know .

Fluke and Ohm were standing right outside his room , hearing him break apart and break expensive things inside .

They felt bad , but just couldn't do anything.

" He .. he is breaking apart Fluke . It's happening again ."

" Let it . Let him . Now move , I'll have to inform Gulf ."

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