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Author's POV

" MEW FUCKING SUPPASIT,  GET THE FUCK UP ! GULF IS PREGNANT FOR FUCK'S SAKE !" Mild yelled, and Mew sprang up from his sleep , blanket flying off and landing on the floor,  and him jumping out of his bed and bolting downstairs.

Mild , who had just opened his mouth to say something, had to close his mouth . " I mean .. wow . What a speed . Why isn't Mew in Olympics?" He said , coolly walking out of the room , while whistling his favorite song.

He walked down the stairs, to see Mew running from one side of the living room to the other . " Wh-What are you doing Mew ?" He asked , and Mew stopped for air . " I.. I forgot to.. a..ask .. where is... G-Gulf ?" He asked , and Mild snickered. "He is in the balc—"

But even before he could complete the sentence, Mew ran upstairs to the balcony. "Okay . Now I'm serious. Mew should go to the Olympics. He can bring home medals . Like what a speed!" He said . " Nevermind, I should just go upstairs as well . I can go check on them . They can't fuck now." He added , and started walking upstairs to the balcony .

Reaching the balcony, he saw Gulf sitting down on a couch with Mew kneeling down in front of him on the floor, holding his hands in his . He smiled , deciding to leave the couple alone for then . He turned around and walked away from the balcony.

With Mew and Gulf , Mew had tears in his eyes , and so did Gulf . They were crying from happiness . Mew kept his head on Gulf's flat stomach . " I..Is there r-really our child in here?" He asked, with shaking voice , and Gulf nodded , wiping away his own tears. " There is .. Mew . B-But I am scared." He said , and Mew looked up from where he was , at Gulf . " Huh ? Scared ? Why are you scared, baby ? You have me with yo—"

" That's exactly what I'm scared of , Mew ." Gulf said, and Mew stood up , sitting down beside Gulf , his hands still held in his . "What do you mean , love?"

Gulf took a deep breath, looking at Mew , his eyes glossy and red . " I am.. I am scared you will l-leave me . I am sc-scared you will not l-love me anymore. I know.. I know you have changed a lot. We have been in a healthy relationship. B-But what if you grow tired o-of me ? W-What if you l-leave me ? I won't.. be able to take that, Mew ." A tear slipped from Gulf's eye , but before it could fall down , Mew caught it , not letting it strike the couch . He smiled at Gulf , pulling him close by his waist . " Baby , I know why you are saying these. I know , but baby , when I say 'I love you' , I don't joke . You don't need to be insecure about me , baby . You... you are my everything, Gulf . My strength, my weakness , practically my everything. My whole universe resides in you , Gulf . And I won't ever leave you . I can't live without you , baby . Please.. just remove these thoughts from your head. And I am very happy, love . That you are pregnant with my child . And trust me on this, babe. We are in this together." Mew said, and Gulf broke down immediately, hugging Mew , keep his head on his chest, crying his heart out . " Thank you so much,  Mew . So , so much. " Gulf said on his chest .

Mew smiled , hugging Gulf back, wrapping his arms around the boy firmly,  and placing a chaste kiss on his temple .

" I love you , baby. And you have to take care of yourself. Remember, there is a small bean growing inside you now ." Mew said , feeling Gulf nod in his head . " I will Mew , I will and .. I love you too ." 


" Who called you ?"

" ..."

" I asked you , something, Win . Who . Called . You ?"

" ..."

" FUCKING ANSWER ME . WHO THE FUCK CALLED YOU ?" Bright yelled , and Win flinched. " WILL YOU TELL ME AT ONCE OR DO YOU WANT ME TO BEAT YOU UP AGAIN ?" Win was practically shaking. Two days of constant beating was too much to handle . He didn't want that to happen again . " I-I am t-t-telling . B-b-but please don't b-beat me ag-again ." He cried , and Bright smirked , walking towards Win , and pulling him close by wrapping his arm around him .

" Good boy . Now tell me, so that I can throw you on that bed and make love to you again." Bright said, and Win's cheeks somehow became red , even at that situation.

He nodded .

" So ? Who called you?"

" F-Fluke ."

" Fluke ? Why ? What did he tell you? Anything about Gulf ? Tell me , tell me ."

" Y-Yes , it is about G-Gulf , but I don't think y-you'll like it ."


" Gulf is pregnant with Mew's child ." Win said in one breathe, and Bright looked at him , eyes wide as saucers.

" W-What ?"

" Yes . I told you , you won't be ha—" But stopped halfway,  when he saw Bright glaring at him .

" Just go and strip and lie down on the bed, and don't speak rubbish. " he said, and Win nodded , head stooped low , as he did whatever he was ordered to .

But , Bright was smirking.

" The game has just began , Mew ."

Heyyy! I know I'm really late and I'm really sorry for that , but hey. I love you all ♡

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