Chronicles of the Heroin in her fight against the demonic dragon.

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[A maiden will fall today, well, rather than a maiden it's like Jean and Jalter put together. Who knows who it will be just based on that? The usual Tags; 18+, drama, horny readers, super horny author, Hornykouji.]

POV-chan is with Kiyo b-but don't do anything lewd to me! Said POV-chan, author gives her a reassuring nod, he won't lewd an illegal loli so, she doesn't have to be on edge. Looking at her silver hair swaying in the wind, flushed face, and peeking around the corner while using mind reading to invade Kiyotakas thoughts, author thought; "Could it be? Has she observed stalker-chan on her own and took some habits up from her?" After all, they are completely invisible and don't need to hide themselves. If you wonder how Author envisioned her; she's an older version of Alice-chan form Devil is a part-timer.

The both of us didn't move an inch. Just now, the atmosphere turned rather awkward, while I'm contemplating what I should do, because if someone sees me like this while returning to my room, there will be without a doubt malicious rumors going around.

But I can't just look at my future problems, taking my eyes off of my tent in my lower region, I discretely look at Kushida.

She still has her flushed face, her knees going in and trembling a bit, something dripped between her thighs, but I'm going to ignore that otherwise it's going to be more painful, having an erection while weaing pants with such weapon of mass-destruction is no joke.

She seems to be contemplating something, her eyes changing drastically, turning a bit cold but then switching to over misty ones, a bit of sweat made it's appearance on her 4head.

Waiting for around 5 minutes, still not being no less aroused, I looked patiently at Kushida, letting her here alone could have grave outcomes. But, alas now, it looks like she has gather bearing back and now looked... determined(?), anyway, I call out to her.

"Kushida," she just flinched slightly, the difference in behavior between me in school and me a few minutes ago is like day and night on our earth-chans poles, "I hope you remembered what we talked about, I will go back to my room now."

As I said this, the tent swayed as I turned around but before I could go down the stairs, something grabbed my sleeve, looking down, I see a delicate, small hand, her fingernails are neatly down, and it's trembling slightly while holding my sleeve, turning just my head and looking at her through my peripheral vision at her, she seem to be slightly biting down on her lower lip, and due to her jaw trembling, I know that she seems to be wanting to tell me something.

But she seems determined enough and so her weak voice reaches me; "I-I can he-help you with your pro—blem." Her voice was not like her cheerful side, neither her hateful, no, it was like a little girl speaking,

(AN: I said I would not lewd an illegal Loli, but I never said that I would not replicate an innocents loli personality)

While saying this, her eyes turned misty and a bit teary, she looked adorable, but I'm curious on how she would help me.

"I'll take it as you are getting used to this relationship," I now turn around and my tent nearly touched her, "what would your suggestion be?"

"I-I talked with a lot of girls and obviously I have to listen to them rant often about their boyfriends too." She pauses, gathering her courage she now stutters, it's truly shocking seeing the girl with such outstanding social skills behaving like this, "th-they said they g-give their boyfriends a-a-a b-b-blowjob." She exclaims.

Well, she didn't really raise her voice for the last part, but she forced the word out of her mouth, I wasn't surprised at that. It's logical thinking that when having an erection, you would stimulate until satisfied. But did she really, purpose what I think she did?

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