A tan-girls pureness.

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[Hey, how come there are so many reaction fan-fics, but never did someone try to make one where their parents are present as well, Yamadead's dad beating him up with a belt, lmao. But honestly, it would be really interesting, seeing Ichinose's mom reaction to the rumors and her daughters crush, ARISU AND MAMARISU CONVERSATION, Kei parents reaction to spread your legs and her self-depreciating rant, and so on, man, there so much that could happen. FRICKING SUZUNES PARENTS WHAT PEOPLE ARE THEY!?

Damn, I still can't get that Kei image out of my head, but I will remain strong, that's why I will slowly fight against it... How you ask? Well, I've got my methods.

So, I'm going to write the tomboy tan swimmer girl, yeah, it's Onodera, and yes, it was foreshadowed, @HeneralLoona seems to be really into these types so, lucky you, I promised after all that I will do Onodera as well. Onodera is not a bad girl in the LN so, no hating please :(

Now not everything is the same as they say, it was only Ike teasing Miyamoto, when he mentioned the three having a crush, only Miyamoto and Okitani have a crush on her, Hondo has a crush on Satou. Kekekekek. Machida will have a crush on Kei, and Kanzaki has a crush on Mako, some random defective on Chihiro. Form then on, I don't think there are any other unlikeable characters so, I will have to come up with my own for the likes of Inogishira and Nene Mori. Mii-chan by the way, it will be a jokey chapter that one, once we cross that road.

Anyway, let's start, shall we?]

POV-Chan giggled to herself cutely as she watched the running back of reverse-Ikemen, she slowly went in direction of her Oni-chan, she saw him go towards the indoor pool of the school used in PE. She cutely ran after him, with her hands to the side and laughing like an angel.

Luckily, no one was at the backside of the café because you could see it from the park, but now that I'm free, I can't simply go back to my room, Suzune might still be there so, it would be awkward going there, I think I want to take a swim, I should really maintain my form, swimming sounds like a could way to train, as it trains most muscles with the movements and the water resistance.

I made my way the building, it's really something else such a government-funded school when it's focused on. I simply walked in and rented a swimwear at the administration desk, the whole complex has cameras everywhere so, it's only natural for a indoor pool, it might be used for special exams, thus it must be monitored thoroughly.

I changed into the swimwear and made my way to the pool, looking around I saw no one. Thinking nothing of it, I first got myself accustomed to the water temperature.

It wasn't cool, it was actually a bit warm, around 27 °C warm. Having adapted to it rather easily, I climbed out of it, and went into position to jump in. Taking in a deep breath, I jumped.


In perfect entry, I started to fully utilize my body and techniques, I swam freestyle, used a technique I myself came up with, 50m, I easily ended with a time of 19.00s, well, that should be one of my best times, but now that I look out of the water, I see something rather troublesome-

-A tanned girl, she has a black one-piece swimsuit, short brown hair and brown eyes, her breast somewhat the same size as Suzune's and her well defined legs and stomach are showing.

Her expression was one of disbelieve, she probably saw me swim, now, this will be rather troublesome-

-If I didn't exactly know what I had to do.

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