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"William?" I ask while looking up at him.

"Yes, my love." He says while looking up at the endless number of stars in the night sky.

"What do you plan on doing with me?"

"What ever do you mean, Kitten?"

"Well we can't just stay this way forever."

"I know." He sighs and closes his eyes.

"Why did you take me in the first place?"

"I was going to use you, I wanted to kill you in front of your father." He honestly spoke, making me gasp.

"You don't anymore?" I quirk an eyebrow.

"No, I could never do that to you."

"How do I know that I can trust you?"

"You can't, nobody has ever been foolish enough to trust me, but I won't ever let you get hurt."

"What changed, why did you start caring for me?"

"You remind me of my mother, you have the same warm welcoming eyes as she once did, I was unlucky enough to inherit my fathers looks."

"Well I think you are a very good looking man." I praise him, making him blush.

"I hated you at first, you were infuriating, but then it wasn't like that anymore."

"Are you saying i'm not infuriating anymore." I poke his bicep.

"No you very much still are." He grins.

I decide to get up, earning me a questioning look from William.

"Are you coming?"

"Where too?" He questions, while getting up.

I wait for him to approach, and once he is behind me I pull him into a deep sensual kiss.

"May I have this dance?" He extends his right hand out to me.

"Yes you may." I take it, as he leads me into the middle of the tall grass.

"I do not know how." I panic, making him chuckle.

"Don't worry darling." He says flirtatiously.

He suddenly pulls me to his chest, as we begin to waltz around.

"Kitty?" He asks.

"Yes?" I respond.

"What do you see in me?"

"I see a misunderstood young man, that will do anything to avenge his sister."

"I lov-" He cuts himself off.

"You what?"

"Nothing." He shakes his head.

"That clearly wasn't nothing." I poke fun of him.

"Shut up." He responds playfully.

"We should probably get going now, people will start to get suspicious if we're out on two morning walks together in a row." I speak.

"Yes, of course."

We walk back to the house together hand in hand. Until we reach his room, giving each other a kiss goodnight. I start walking back to my bedroom lost in thought. I gently shut the door behind me, before changing into a thin cotton nightgown. I collapse into the light blue silk bedsheets, and try too fall asleep. However a couple minutes later I notice the door open.

"Hello?" I speak to the person that just entered. Before William comes stumbling out of the dark.

"William!" I gasp.

"I am so sorry my love. I couldn't sleep, not without you."

"It's okay, come here." I motion for him to come over. He stands at the foot of the bed, before removing his nightshirt, leaving him half naked. I gasp at the sight as he joins me in bed.

"Did you think that I was actually going to wear that horrendous sleepwear?" He quietly chuckles.

"Well no, I mean-" I stutter over my words, before he places a finger over my lips, telling me to be quiet.

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