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I walk around the large gardens of Middleton Place with my now fiancé. To say I was surprised is one thing, I was shocked.

"When do you want to, you know get married?" I ask, slightly lifting my chin upwards towards William.

"Anytime, preferably soon."

"I can't wait, I have been dreaming of this since I was a child!" I clap my hands together in excitement.

"You have?" He chuckles.

"Yes of course, it's either that or go to space. Which going to space is impossible."

"Why would you say that?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if Captain Tarleton wipes his ass with his hands. We won't be going to space anytime soon." I joke, making the Colonel laugh.

"I must go, Lord Cornwallis wishes to meet with me." He stops and turns to face me.

"Ugh, can you hurry up?" I complain.

"I will try, my love." he gives me a soft peck on the lips before squeezing my hand, and walking away.

I sigh and walk back towards the house.

"I will not be locked up in a room all day." I talk to myself.

As I walk back in through the doors, I couldn't help but notice all of the British soldiers on guard, there had to have been a couple hundred. However while walking back towards what I remember to be the library I run into someone.

"Wilkins." I spit in disgust.

"Miss Martin." He greets me coldly.

"Save it, what do you want?"

"Are you a whore?" He taunts me.

"No." I keep a calm exterior, so that he doesn't get the satisfaction of knowing he got a reaction out of me.

"You're lucky, Colonel Tavington ordered us not too touch you. He said if we did there would be heavy consequences." He grits his teeth and whispers."If it were up to me, I would have you tied up for these men to hound you." He continues.

"I believe you are the lucky one, what would my father do, what would my brothers do?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Your father?" He scoffs. "Your father is almost as pathetic as your brothers, as well as the rest of your family."

"I would watch what you are saying." I calmly say, however in my mind I was plotting murder.

"Why, is your little Patriot family going to overhear us." He grabs ahold of my wrists. He twists and turns them, making me wince in pain. He laughs as he does so. God his laugh is ugly, almost as much as himself.

"No, but he will." I glance over to Lord Cornwallis, General O'Hara, and my fiancé himself, Colonel Tavington staring at us from across the hall.

"My Lord General." Wilkins immediately freezes in place. Giving me time to twist my wrists, so that I am now holding his own. However I am not going to let him get away with what he just did so easily. So I lift my right foot off the ground, and kick him with all my strength in the area where only prude men deserved to be kicked.

"That's for insulting my family." I spit on him.

"Miss Martin, are you alright?" Cornwallis asks, clearly concerned.

"Yes, my Lord." I try my best to stand straight. I was glad that my father taught me how to defend myself as a child.

"Kitty." William immediately rushes towards me once Cornwallis stops talking.

"Yes?" I look up at him.

"Are you actually alright?" He grabs my hands, gently rubbing the red marks on my wrists.

"I'm fine, I am not a sissy."

"Are you sure?" He asks again.

"Yes, it only hurt a little." I say, trying to diffuse the tension. However I knew that Wilkins was probably going to be murdered later with how upset both William and Cornwallis seemed.

"O'Hara, take this man to my office. I will deal with him later." The General Lord commands the other wigged man.

"Yes my Lord." General O'Hara says, while silently commanding two soldiers standing near to pick Wilkins up off the floor.

"Miss Martin, I will be sure that Captain Wilkins has a proper punishment." Cornwallis says, however I was watching the men in Red Coats take the man that used too be a friend of my father's away.

"Thank you, my Lord." I turn my attention back to the older wigged man.

"Why don't you spend some time with Tavington, he seems to enjoy your company." He shoots me a knowing look, making my cheeks flush.

"Yes, my Lord." I say shyly.

"I will leave you two." He smiles, before walking away.

"I am so sorry Kitty, I really am." William says with a sense of guilt laced in his voice.

"Why? I am perfectly able to defend myself." I turn towards him.

"You are correct, but how do you know how to fight?" He asks.

"My father would die before sending his children out into the world without knowing how to fight."

"Do you know how to wield a sword?"

"Yes, my father taught me at a young age. My mother used too get upset because I was so young." I smile while thinking about my family.

"I do believe I have never met a woman like you." He admires me.

"Good, I hate being normal. If everyone was like me I would have to find something new to meet my needs of curiosity."

"I am probably better than you." The Colonel smirks.

"Prove it." I joke.

"Very well then." He takes my hand.

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