Chapter 1-

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Arizona POV
5:01, I certainly had not missed the ungodly wake up times being a neonatal, paediatric surgeon at Grey Sloan required. I sprung from my bed, stomach in knots, i barely slept last night. All I could think about was Calliope. I had no idea if she even still worked at the hospital or what she had been doing the last three years but I couldn't help but secretly hope I saw her today, even though I had no idea how she would feel.

It had always been my plan to go back to work at Grey Sloan or Seattle Grace Mercy West as it was called last time I was there after my time in Africa but I had put off starting for a few months so that Timmy could settle into life in America. It was never my intention to bring anything back from Africa. Let alone a child, especially since that was the biggest thing that drove me and Callie apart. But after Id worked with Timmy for a year, we formed a special bond and he had no family or place to live so that's when I started the official adoption process. Now he was almost 3 and doing better than anyone could have ever hoped for. I'd transferred all his medical care to Seattle Grace so today we needed to meet up with Karev but I figured I could do that between consults since he'd only be in the day care.

We arrived at the hospital at 6:53, jeez no one warns you how hard it is to get a kid out the house early in the morning. As I was taking Timmy out his car seat, Meredith passed with her tribe of 3 kids and offered to show me to the day care, to which I kindly accepted. We exchanged small talk, about Africa, why I decided to adopt Timmy and how Derek and her family were until we finally arrived at the day care. I said goodbye to Timmy which was bittersweet as it was the first time I'd properly left him before but he ran off with the other kids and I knew he would have a good time.

I walked into the cafeteria feeling very happy with myself, I'd had a great morning, a couple of consults in the pit and scans on high risk pregnancies. The perfect way to ease myself in. That was until I locked eyes with Callie across the cafeteria. I was frozen, she hadn't changed at all. Her hair was a bit shorter yes but apart from that she was exactly the same. I quickly snapped my eyes away and went to the coffee cart.

Callie POV
I couldn't believe it how could no one warn me she was back. I was furious after all this time she just resurfaces like nothing ever happened like she belongs here. Our eyes met and all my anger melted away, which only made me angrier. Why couldn't I hate her, after everything she put me through. Her absence was the hardest thing I'd ever had to deal with and just as I'm finally happy, what she just comes back like nothing has changed????

I saw her walk to the coffee cart, her blonde curls bouncing as she walked, she hadn't changed, hadn't aged she was still just as beautiful as she was three years ago. Should I go and speak to her? It must be hard for her to come back after all this time, she really had no one. Was it time to be the bigger person? I decided I was done with my food and would take my leftovers to the bin which coincidently was right next to the coffee cart Arizona was stood at. As I stood up and got closer to her I could see Arizona's eyes darting around the room in a panicked state and it suddenly occurred to me that she didn't really know anyone here anymore. Silently, I threw my rubbish in the bin and placed my tray on the stand. I could feel her eyes darting over me. I concentrated on my food, not daring to meet her eyes for even a second.

She cleared her throat, and a sheepish "calliope" came out. I was taken back. I hadn't been called that for a long time. I shifted my weight from foot to foot not quite knowing what was best to do. Should I run? Pretend I didn't hear her and just bolt out of there? After a while I raised my head "mmmm" I barely managed to squeak out fiddling with the spoon in my hand. She was silent, her eyes staring straight into mine, frozen. I was so angry with myself, angry that I'd just let her walk back in without so much as an apology and think it was okay to speak to me. " Did you want something Dr Robbins or not because I'm very busy" I practically barked at her. I couldn't even say her name. Her eyes fell to the ground and she shuffled her feet. "No it's fine, you go, sorry I shouldn't have spoken to you." "Yeh you got that right." I muttered as I walked away.

Arizona POV
After my failed conversation with Callie I was pretty much over the day. I don't know what I'd expected I mean I did leave her in an airport and move to another continent but I'd hoped she'd maybe have forgiven me after all this time. I had 3 consults in the pit and afternoon rounds to do but after that I decided that I'd go get Timmy from day care and take him to meet Alex.

I took the elevator up to the day care and walked to the sign out sheet, ready to grab Timmy, I froze when I saw the name above his. Sophia Sloan Torres- Dr Callie Torres. WHAT, I said under my breath. Callie had a baby while I was gone and with who I could only assume was Mark Sloan. I couldn't help but wonder who she was, what she looked like. Did she have Callie's beautiful brown eyes and little button nose? And how was Callie coping after Mark passed, I knew they were friends, so I assumed she would take it hard but I didn't realise they'd had a child together. Being a single mother was hard I knew better than most. Was she even a single mother, I really didn't know.

I picked Timmy up and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Hey buddy, mama's missed you so so much today, have you had fun?" I asked him in a sing song voice. As I straightened up and brushed the hair from my face, I was met by the glare of Callie from the playroom door. My face fell and I suddenly felt ashamed, was it silly to think I could just come back here and pretend that everything was okay?

She took a deep breath, almost to ground herself, shook her head and plastered a grin on her face. "Hello beautiful girl, mommy came to see you in her break." I heard her coo to a beautiful little girl behind me. I cleared my throat and walked out to find Alex.

Callie POV
A child I couldn't actually quite believe my eyes. Arizona Robbins the woman who's dreams consisted of cocktails on a beach in Spain, had seriously had a child. Was this some kind of joke? Pull yourself together Callie, you're a badass fucking orthopaedic surgeon and a mother to a beautiful baby girl for gods sake don't let this get on top of you. I took a deep breath, plastered a semi- convincing smile on my face and walked over to Sophia who was playing contently on the floor. "Hello beautiful girl, mommy came to see you in her break." I cooed as Sophia's soft brown eyes started back at me.

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