Chapter 16-

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Arizona POV
84 exhausting hours was how long I'd been at the hospital for, the time since I'd been home to my family. I was fried but I couldn't leave, I couldn't do that to Jessica.

It was Friday night and a young girl had just been brought in after she'd been found on the side of the road. I only had an hour and a half left on shift but I couldn't leave Alex on his own for this, it just wasn't fair. When I entered the trauma room she was visibly distressed and flinched every time someone put their hand near her. "Hello, my name is Dr Robbins. You're at Grey Sloan memorial hospital. Can you tell me your name?" I stood over the top of the girl, looking down at her as she was fixed to the bed with a neck brace. "Jessica." She got out with a whisper. "Okay, hi Jessica. Can we call your parents for you?"

"I....I....I don't know their number, my name is Jessica Lawson and 7 years ago I was kidnapped."

Her words silenced the room, in a matter of seconds there went from being three pairs on hands on her to absolutely none. Everyone took a step away from the table expect me. I stayed exactly where I was. "Okay Jessica, you're doing so well, can I hold your hand?" We'd had basic training, so I knew it was important with these kind of patients to make your intentions explicitly clear and always ask for their consent. She nodded her head and took my hand. I could feel her trembling body in my palm.

I looked up at Alex who was in complete disbelief. "Okay everyone, Alex call security and make sure someone is on the doors of this trauma room at all times. Grey, call the police and let them know we have Jessica Lawson here. Don't worry Jessica, we've got you. You're safe now." I gripped her hand tighter to reassure her that she was safe.

"No one besides the doctors on this case will see Jessica and she will be treated exclusively on the peds ward, let's roll her up there now, she's stable."

I rolled her up to the peds ward with Callie making sure to talk to her all the way up there to make sure she felt comfortable. I read somewhere that it helps if you tell a victim of abuse like this something personal about you it makes them feel comfortable so that's what I decided to do. "Okay, how about I tell you something about me." She nodded her head all the while still gripping my hand. "Well, do you see the doctor on the other side of your bed?" She nodded her head. "That's doctor Torres and she's my ex-wife, now girlfriend. Very very long story." She let out a laugh so small it was barely noticeable.

"And me and Dr Robbins have two beautiful children together, their names are Timothy and Sofia." Callie continued.

We rolled Jessica into her room and periodically different doctors came in to assess her, all the while, I stayed by her side and so did Callie. Eventually, she'd had all the necessary tests and scans and was settled into her room. I sat at one side of her bed and Callie sat at the other as she wasn't supposed to be left alone. "So you said you had two children, do you have any pictures?" She asked after a few minutes of silence, this was the first time she'd initiated conversation. "We do, do you want to see?" Callie pulled out her phone and began to flick through pictures of the kids.

"Here's one of Sof and Timmy at the zoo."
"Here's one of them in the back yard the other day."
"Oh and this one, this is one of Timmy eating his Dinner and do you see that person covered in food, would you believe me if I told you that was Dr Robbins." Callie let out a laugh at the photo of me stood in our kitchen, covered from head to toe in the spaghetti Bolognese which had been propelled at me in disgust by our son. "I don't really think he's a fan of spaghetti." I laughed with her.

"Aww you guys look like a really happy family." A sad look crossed her face as she spoke, but quickly disappeared. "I don't want to sound rude but I noticed neither of them look like you Dr Robbins, Dr Torres and Sofia look very alike and Timmy doesn't really look like either of you." Her face was puzzled as she spoke, like she wasn't sure if she would cause offence.

Calzona- nobody knows where they might end upOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora