Chapter 19-

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Callie POV
It had been about a week since Arizona and I got engaged and we'd now chosen a ring for Arizona and slowly revealed the news to our co workers who were ecstatic to attend another one of our weddings.

I'd just finished an emergency limb reconstruction with Jackson and put back on my lab coat, along with my engagement ring and necklace. I walked out the scrub room with Jackson, both of us over the moon with the surgery outcome. "Hey guys!" I said to my friends as we approached a group of them around the nurses station. I froze when the crowd parted and I saw a woman sat in a wheelchair at the base of Meredith Grey. "Oh my God Mama O'Malley." I shouted as I bent down to hug the woman. I hadn't seen her for years, I visited her often after George died and still called her occasionally to catch up but it had been a while. "Callie dear, how are you!!" Her face lit up at the sight of me. Even though George and I weren't married for long, I always looked to her as a mother figure. We broke our hug after Louise O'Malley was called over the intercom and I agreed to visit her as soon as possible.

The day was hectic, the pit was full with broken bones which I spent virtually the rest of my shift re setting arms and legs. I was gowning for an incoming trauma when Arizona ran into the ER pulling on a gown and gloves next to me. "Hey I haven't seen you all day." She kissed me on the cheek as we both tied our trauma gowns. "I know, apparently it's a popular day for broken bones." I laughed as we walked over to Owen, who was shouting that our trauma was only 4 minutes out. "Hey listen.." I began pulling Arizona to the side. "George's Mom is in the hospital so I'm going to go and see her after my shift is done, if that's okay with you." She pulled me into a hug. "Of course it is, Calliope, I've got charts to do anyway so we might still finish at the same time." I was so grateful for Arizona, she was always so understanding.

I was only needed to assess the injuries as it was mainly Arizona's patient, I left the trauma room, instructing her to get an MRI with contrast and page me if the results were unusual. I stood in the window for a minute, watching Arizona. It wasn't often I got to see her at work as even if I was on a case with her, we were too busy with the patient to even properly acknowledge each other. I watched her, as she worked around the patient, taking her vitals, ordering interns and paging for consults. My favourite thing about Arizona was how much she advocated for her patients. No matter what anyone else said, she made sure each and every one of her patients got the very best care and no one stopped until every last option had been exhausted. I didn't notice she'd seen me staring until she knocked on the window and shouted "Get out of here, go and see Mama O'Malley you freaky little weirdo." I let out a laugh and turned away grabbing the elevator to the pre op wing.

I was walking out of the elevator when Wilson ran towards me. "Ahhh Dr Torres, I've been looking for you. Lauren's white count is elevated, so I've got her on a double dose of antibiotics and pressers, do you want to take a look?" She passed me the chart and I quickly flicked through it. "No that looks good, Wilson. Can you cover my service, I've got a patient to see. Page me if you have an emergency." I started to walk away but she called me back. "I've rounded on all your patients already and filled out your charts, there's no one else for you to see, you can go home." She spoke in an accusatory tone. "This is more of a erm personal visit." I said trying to say as little as possible. A puzzled look crossed her face as Chief Bailey walked past shouting "Mama O'Malley's been asking for you. She's giving Grey hell, wanting to see you." I rolled my eyes in annoyance, it was impossible to do anything around here without everyone hearing about it. "I'm going in a second Bailey." I snapped.

"Now this, I've got to hear. Who is Mama O'Malley?" Jo questioned, emphasising her name. I let out a frustrated groan, really not wanting to do this now. "Mama O'Malley is my ex-husbands mother, he used to work here, years ago. So she knows most of the attendings, Grey, Yang, Karev. They were all in this intern class." I let out a sigh. Remembering the days when I was only a resident and Meredith, Alex and Cristina were all interns. So much had changed since then. "Hang on, hang on. You were married before Dr Robbins, to a man?" She questioned quite obviously shocked. "Yeh, we eloped after his dad died." I finished with a small chuckle. "So what, why's she here now, why didn't she go to the hospital he works at now?" She asked innocently but the question hit me like a ton of bricks. "Oh erm, George isn't, he didn't.." I stuttered. "He passed away before he could finish his residency." Her face fell at my words. "I'm... I'm so sorry so managed to stutter out as she moved out of my way for me to walk past.

Calzona- nobody knows where they might end upKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat