Chapter 7-

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Callie POV
I headed home for the night after I left Arizona a note on her pillow. I wasn't sure if she felt the same but I could feel myself falling in love with her again. It made sense now, why she adopted Timmy, why it was so important to her that he had a normal childhood. I couldn't believe the strength that's she'd shown.  She walked around the hospital for weeks without anyone even so much as suspecting there was anything different about her. She was amazing.

I read and re read Arizona's text over and over again before drifting to sleep dreaming sweet dreams of me and her happy and together.

Arizona POV
I woke up still clutching the note that Callie wrote me. My heart warmed, I loved her, I knew I did. I got out of bed and got ready for my appointment with Callie that morning, I was just buttoning my blouse when she came in to check Timmy.
"Morning" I said as I turned around to face her. I watched her eyes as she lingered in the door, moving over my body slowly. Taking me in.
'You look..erm you look lovely" she finally spoke.
"Oh, thank you." I tried to appear cool but inside I wanted to explode and scream with happiness. Did this mean she felt the same way?

"Okay, well I'll see you in about half an hour for your appointment if that's okay, just come and find me." There was a certain awkwardness and uncertainty in the air as Callie spoke, both of us feeling the same things but being scared to death to admit it. Niether of us wanted to get hurt again and things were just so complicated now, we both had children.

My parents arrived to look after Timmy and I headed  to the ortho ward to find Callie. I avoided asking nurses and doctors where she was, not wanting to draw attention to the fact that we were speaking and stir up rumours. I saw her through a window, perched on a patients bed, surgical gown, scrubs and scrub cap on. She wore her hair tightly braided under the cap which left her face bare so I could see it's beautiful contours.

She walked out the patient's room, pressed her back against the door and ripped her scrub cap off her head taking a deep breath. "You okay Callie" I gave her arm a reassuring squeeze.

"Yeh, yeh just had to break the news that she'll never dance again that's all, but come on let's get you a new leg." She smiled brightly at me as we walked down the corridor, earning some confused looks from doctors and nurses. I didn't care what other people thought, I was just happy to have Callie here, as a friend if nothing else.

Callie POV
I noticed now that we walked side by side that Arizona walked with a slight limp. It was barely noticeable and quite honestly a miracle considering the ridiculously ill fitting prosthetic she's been wearing for years. I took her into the prosthetic lab where she sat on the bed.
"So today, all we're really going to do is take some casts of your leg and try on some different prosthetics to see which kind you prefer. You'll probably need a little bit of physical therapy but considering how well you've coped with this leg you'll probably find it much easier to get around. Are you happy to go ahead?" I asked looked her in the eyes.

"Mhmm yeh" she nodded as a small tear left her eye.

"Arizona, I can get someone else to do this if you want, it doesn't have to be me and I totally understand if you'd rather that."

"No no, please I'd rather you did it. It was just really hard to come to terms with and it's just kind of a constant reminder that I'm not the same person anymore. When I wake up on a morning and just for a second I forget everything that's happened but then I pull back my covers and see my leg and remember it all and it's just hard to do that every day. But I'm happy and grateful and I don't know why I'm crying because it's silly really. I've actually never been happier. Now I've got a beautiful baby and I'm surrounded by my family and friends I really have no reason to be upset."

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