Chapter 20-

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Callie POV
Monday mornings were always bittersweet for Arizona and I, although they were usually quiet I almost never ran into Arizona. She spends her day updating charts in peads, treating patients giving consults and occasionally attending a trauma. I spend the day in Ortho, charting, rounding and teaching in my cartilage lab. My chest tightened at the sight of my next chart, Amy Nelson, she'd been admitted over the weekend while I was off. Amy was my longest standing patient, I've been on her case since I was an intern and watched her grow up for a 5 year old little girl to a now 17 year old. It was one of Arizona and I's first patients together and I remembered when we first worked together, I had no idea just how good of a surgeon she really was. I flicked through the chart years of surgery after surgery. As I looked at the notes my eyes stung with tears. The signatures changed from Arizona Robbins, to Arizona Robbins Torres, until her name disappeared from the chart entirely and was replaced by Alex Karev. It hurt to remember these times.

I frantically wiped tears from my face as Arizona burst through my office door, her head hurried in her tablet. "Why is Amy Nelson back in my department?" Arizona questioned, never once lifting her head from the tablet, frantically scrolling through the admissions tab. "She's back because of pain." I spoke, the emotion clear in my voice which caused Arizona's head to fly up and look at me. "Gosh Callie, what's wrong are you okay?" She closed her tablet and perched herself on the table in front of me.

"I was just looking through her chart again, you know before rounds and I saw your signatures turn from Arizona Robbins, to Arizona Robins Torres until they were replaced by Alex's and it just upset me to remember that time you know. Things could have been so different, I just wish I didn't push you so hard about a baby and maybe none of this would have happened." I wiped my eyes as I spoke, not quite meeting Arizona's gaze.

"Hey, you don't blame yourself. If none of this happened, we wouldn't have Sof and Timmy and who knows what it would have been like, we would probably still be having the same arguments as before. The important thing is that I came back and I'm here now, we're happy and getting married okay. So there's no need to be upset." She dried my eyes and pulled me into a hug, twirling my hair as she knew that comforted me.

She pulled a pen from her lab coat and clicked it loudly on the table. "And here." She said as she signed the dotted line on the chart. "Attending paediatric surgeon: Arizona Robbins MD." She read as she wrote and placed a kiss on my head. "Now how's about we go see our patient?" She pulled me up from my chair.

"Hello trouble, back again!" I called as I entered Amy's room. "Doctor T, how much I've missed that face." She pulled me into a hug as I took the stethoscope from around my neck, placing it on her chest to listen to her heartbeat. "Oh my God, you got engaged?!" She exclaimed "who's the lucky person?" She pulled away from me, making me stop taking her vitals. "You've actually already met them, but it was a few years ago." I said cautiously, the last time Amy was in the hospital, my split from Arizona was relatively fresh and I hated her guts. So naturally so did she, as the doctor who abandoned her and moved to another continent, she wasn't her biggest fan. "Oh God please tell me it's not her." She spat. "It is, but I'm really happy, it's different then before." I tried to make her see things from my point of view. "She's back on your case anyway, so you'll see her sooner or later, she just got pulled into the PICU."

"Kock knock." Arizona said as she entered the room. "It's good to see you Amy, how you doing today?" Arizona questioned as she flipped the chart at the base of her bed over, familiarising herself with everything that she'd missed. The silence was broken my Derek popping his head around the door. "You two disgust me." He said with a laugh. "Oh God what have we don't now?" I rolled my eyes at him. "It's multi cultural day at preschool and you guys forgot your snacks." Arizona's head flew up from the chart "crap Callie we were Mexico." She placed the chart down, pulling out her phone to check the date. "Don't worry Mer had some spare snacks so we've got you covered." Derek shot Arizona a wink and left the room.

Calzona- nobody knows where they might end upजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें