Chapter 6-

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Arizona POV-
Callie had been in to check Timmy probably close to 50 times over the past few days. The only time these checks stopped was during the night when she wasn't on shift. I knew Callie was working over on purpose just to make sure she could check Timmy as many times as possible. It was cute, nice that she cared. Her heart was too big for her own good.

I'd spent the past 5 days at Timmy's bedside only leaving for 2 minutes to walk to the vending machine or run to the cafeteria. My parents came every day during visiting hours, but I was still so scared to leave the hospital for fear of something going wrong but after much persuasion from my parents I agreed to go home for a shower and to grab some more clothes. I would be gone for an hour maximum but even that filled me with nerves.

I gave Timmy a quick kiss on the forehead and left him sleeping soundly on his bed. As I walked out of the hospital I quickly grabbed my phone and text Callie to let her know I probably wouldn't be there when she checked Timmy.

Hey Callie, I'm headed home to grab a shower and some clothes, I'll probably miss Timmy's next check but my parents are with him. If you don't want to face them alone I totally understand, I can text you when I get back to the hospital.

I quickly sent the text and headed home.

I was getting in the car to drive back to the hospital when my phone buzzed. Callie text me back.

Don't worry about it, I'm heading to check the little man now, no need to rush back, I can catch you up after. Enjoy your time away, you've deserved it.

I headed back to the hospital, excited at the thought of seeing my beautiful little boy again.

Callie POV-
I stood outside Timmy's room taking deep breaths. Even though I'd been checking him every hour for the last 5 days I always had Arizona to act as a buffer but now it was just me and her parents. You've got this Callie all you're doing is your job. I told myself.

I knocked on the door and opened it slowly "heyyyy little man" I said as I walked over to his bed.
"Colonel Robbins, Mrs Robbins I'm just going to check Timmy's wounds if that's okay with you." I tried so hard not to sound nervous.

"Of course dear that's fine" Arizona's mother said calmly.

"Callie dear" she spoke calmly "is it ok if we call you that, Arizona told us not to." I nodded my head and looked up at them. "I don't know how much Arizona has told you, but I know it can't be easy to treat her child after everything you went through. But she's been through a lot and it's not really my place to tell you because I'm sure she'll tell you when she's ready. It means a lot to us that you have handled the whole situation with grace and dignity and that you can still treat her with kindness above everything."

I was lost for words, she was being so nice, what did she mean been through so much? I made a mental note to find out about that later.

"Oh erm thank you I guess. I have so much respect for Arizona you know and I'm really glad she's back, everyone at the hospital is. It wasn't the same without her here. I'm glad that we can both be civil. She was my best friend and she will always hold a place in my heart. She's very special to me. I know how much you worry about your little girl, you've got my word I'll keep an eye out for you."

"Thank you Callie dear that really means a lot."

Just as her mother spoke Arizona appeared in the door way "mhhhmm" she cleared her throat.

"Dr Torres a word outside please" her voice was stern as she spoke.

I walked out behind Arizona dreading what she was about to say. Mesmerised by her golden blonde curls which bounced as she walked. Her ability to be so naturally beautiful was something which I had always admired about her. I was pulled from my thoughts because Arizona's head suddenly disappeared and she crashed to the floor after a careless intern ran into her pushing a gurney.

Calzona- nobody knows where they might end upOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant