Chapter 9-

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Arizona POV-
"Mama's got to go to work buddy, I'll see you in a little bit though" I kissed Timmy on the head, pulled my white jacket on as I got ready to start my first day back. It was 7 am and I knew Callie had already been at work for hours because I saw her jacket was missing from her hanger in the attending's lounge this morning when I went to grab my scrubs.

As I shut Timmy's door behind me, I saw Callie leaned against the nurses station filling out her charts. God she looked beautiful. How is it possible a person can take an everyday work task and make it look sexy I wondered. She stood, one hand on her hip, the other bent at the elbow, her head resting gently in the palm of her hand. I could see she was concentrating as her face was slightly tensed and she bit on the end of her pen as she read. God I loved it when she did that. I scanned the floor for people before deciding to walk up behind her.

I creeped over to the nurses station and stood behind her for a moment admiring her silhouette, before wrapping my hands around her waist and pressing my face against hers. "Good Morning beautiful" I whispered in her ear, "what brings you to this ward?"

"Mmm Arizona, you can't do things like that and expect me to not do something about it." Callie breathed "we're supposed to be taking it slow and mmmm the things you're making me want to do right now are anything but slow." She placed her hand on the side of my face.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry, but if I can't do things like that, then you can't chew on your pen, you know what the does to me." I released her from my grasp and took a step back, comically placing my hands in the air.

"I can't help chewing on my pen, it's a concentration thing but you knew exactly what you were doing" she said placing a hand on my waist and pulling me closer to her.

"Okay, okay if you must do it, at least don't do it on my Peads floor, right in front of my face." I gave her a lingering kiss and handed her the coffee I got for her earlier.

"Have a good day.... Dr Torres" I said flirtatiously as I walked off backwards, my eyes fixed on her deep brown ones.

My morning was quite slow, which I appreciated. I was paged for consults in the pit, I rounded on all my patients and even scrubbed in on a surgery with Alex. It had been ages since we'd spent time together so it was a really nice opportunity for us to catch up. It was amazing to see how much he'd grown as a surgeon in the time I was away. He'd really learned to hold his own in the OR and advocate for what he thought was best for his patients. It made me feel so proud.

It was about 1 pm by the time I got out of my surgery so I decided I'd go see Timmy for my lunch. I walked up to his room and peered through the window to check he was okay and saw Callie sat with him on her knee with no sign of my parents.

Callie POV-
I was rounding on my patients in Peads when I saw Arizona's parents struggling with Timmy who appeared to be throwing a tantrum.

"Heyyy, everything ok in here." I said walking in, flashing them a reassuring smile.
"What's up buddy, why are you upset?" I got down on his level and held his little hands as he cried.

"I don't know what's wrong with him, he just started throwing this big fit and demanding we get Arizona I don't know what to do." Arizona's mother looked worried as she spoke.

"Listen, i wouldn't worry too much you know what toddlers are like. He's probably just missing Arizona, this job can be pretty taxing on the kids and he probably got used to her being here every day. Why don't you two go out for some lunch. You've been here everyday since he was brought in, you deserve some time off and I haven't got anything scheduled for the next two hours so I can sit with him." I took Arizona's moms hand as I spoke. I could see how hard she was beating herself up over this.

"That would be lovely if you're sure that's okay." She said a smile growing on her face.

"Of course, you don't have to go further than the hospital cafeteria if you don't feel comfortable, though I wouldn't recommend it there because the food can be a bit hit and miss." We both laughed and they left.

"Hey lil bud, it's just me and you now, do you miss your mama?" I asked as I pulled him onto my knee.
He nodded his head and wiped his tears onto my scrubs. "Well listen, how about we make a card for her because I know she'll be here soon when it's her lunch time." He perked up and together we made a card for Arizona. He was such a sweet boy and I could tell he loved Arizona very much.

Arizona POV-
"Hello bubs, where are your grandparents?" I said giving Callie a funny look.

"Oh yeh, well I was rounding on this ward when Timmy here was throwing a little bit of a fit and asking for his mama so I sent your parents out for lunch and we had a lovely time together. Didn't we Timothy?" She said as she looked down at him. "Why don't you give mommy the card you made for her?"

Timmy handed me a folded piece of card with crayon scribbles on the front as he explained to me that it was a picture of me and him at home playing together. "Ahh that's very nice, shall we have a look inside?" I questioned as I opened the card and read it aloud.

To mama,
Thank you for being the best mama in the world and always looking after me. Thank you for letting me watch cartoons at the weekend and for sneaking juice into my bottle even though I'm not supposed to have it.
I love you so much mama
Your favourite boy,
Timothy Daniel Robbins x

"Awww you guys are too cute" I said as I engulfed them both in a big bear hug. "You didn't have to do that Calliope." I placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey they were his words not mine, but the juice thing, Arizona Robbins I am disappointed. I might have to tell Karev." She laughed.

"Calliope Torres, expect some big rewards for this" I whispered in her ear, nibbling her ear lobe before pulling away.

I picked Timmy up from Callie's arms placing a kiss on his head as a man walked in holding a large yellow envelope.

"Arizona Robbins, you've been served." He said handing me the envelope.

I ripped it open my heart racing as to what it could be, surely I hadn't been sued already, I'd barely had any bad outcomes since I got here.

My heart stopped as I read the letters neatly typed onto the page. "What the fuck, Callie, they're taking me to court to fight for custody. Timmy's birth mother, she's coming here to try to win custody."I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Arizona, my love." She spoke softly and raked her fingers through my hair to comfort me. "You are Timmy's mother okay, no one else. Besides she'll never win custody anyway she abandoned him when he was born. I'll take the stand for you. And so will Karev and I'm sure mer will if you ask her. Listen it's going to be okay."

"She's flying in from Africa next week and I need to appear in court, Callie what if my baby gets taken away?"

"That's not going to happen, I promise." She placed a kiss on my forehead and held me in her arms with Timmy on my knee until my sobs calmed down.

"You're in no fit state to be on your own Arizona. I was going to discharge Timmy later today anyway, so how would you feel if I discharged him and then you two came and stayed the night with me and Sofia? You can stay in the guest room. But I just don't think you should be on your own right now."

I nodded my head into the crook of her neck "thank you calliope, that would make me feel better." I managed through sobs. "Let's go grab Sofia from day care and we can go now" I said as I took Callie's hand and laced our fingers together. It didn't matter to me who saw us walking through the halls together. Right now I just needed my person.

Calzona- nobody knows where they might end upحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن