Chapter 23-

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Callie POV-

It was Monday night, work was relatively quiet and i left my service to Wilson for the rest of the night, allowing me to leave early and give the kids their dinner. The house was quiet, with no sign of Arizona, who i assumed must have still been at work. I sat Sof and Timmy in their highchairs and danced around them whilst cooking diner which earned big giggles from them. 

i was half through mopping the floor after Sofia decided to throw most of her dinner over it when Arizona arrived home, two hours later then she was supposed to. I tried not be angry, i understand that our job is very busy and sometimes we work long hours but this time felt different. "Long day?" I questioned trying very hard not to be short with her. "Yeh, sorry, i got pulled into a crash C section, i just didn't want to leave Carina on her own for her first one." She responded, not even looking in my direction, instead taking her shoes off and putting away her car keys. "oh well that was nice of you." The annoyed tone in my voice was now evident. "Callie if you've got something to say i'd rather you just said it, i don't have the energy to walk on egg shells around you. I've had a long day and i was looking forward to coming home to my family." She spat back at me, now matching my tone.

"Well you haven't given the family you were so excited to see any attention, you haven't even asked where the babies are." She walked towards me now and i could see in her expression how tired she was, her usual bright blue eyes were darker and her mouth pinched into a tight pout. "Are you freaking kidding Calliope, i've just walked through the door and you've been too busy trying to argue with me, i haven't been able to get a word in." she was shouting now. "is this about Carina, are you seriously jealous of an old friend of mine Callie?" She continued. I lowered my head slightly realising how ridiculous it sounded that i was jealous of someone Arizona knew years ago. 'Yes ok. I'm jealous." i admitted, lowering my voice and meeting her in the middle of the kitchen. "What on earth could you possibly be jealous about, she's just a friend and that's all she's ever been. We never slept together in Africa and i certainly wouldn't sleep with her now. We just became good friends because she was the only other woman working in the clinic." Her voice was softer now and i could tell that she was no longer angry, but now sad that i would think she would sleep with someone else. "You don't think it's a coincidence that she's come to Seattle, to the hospital you used to work at, how do you know she wasn't looking for you?" I spat at her, still angry. "I know she wasn't looking for me because i never planned to come back to Seattle Callie, when i left Africa i had an offer from a clinic in LA to go and study the mortality rates of women who had emergency C-sections which i took because i didn't think i could face coming back here and seeing everything i left. It wasn't until a few days before i was due to fly out to LA that i bumped into Bailey outside my parents house when i was going to say goodbye and she gave me an offer to go back to work at Grey Sloan that i couldn't refuse. This whole time she thought i was in LA. But none of that even matters anyway because she has a girlfriend who she loves very much and who loves her very much." She now sat herself at the kitchen table, her head resting in her hands. I could tell how little she wanted to have this argument but no matter how hard i tried, i couldn't help but feel a burning rage inside me at the idea that Arizona had a life which i wasn't involved in.

"How do you know she's not making it up, that she really is with Captain Bishop?" i questioned, i could tell my points were becoming more and more ridiculous as this argument continued but i didn't care, i was too angry. "You must be joking right now." Arizona shouted as she threw her head into her hands, taking a very deep breath as to not lose her temper. "i know she's not making it up because if you weren't too busy being jealous and angry with me after surgery, you would have seen that Maya stopped by the hospital this morning after her call and brought Carina flowers for her first day. Now if you're quite finished with your ridiculous accusations about my friend, i'm going to see my children." And with that she left the table, going to take the kids from their play pen.

Arizona POV-

"You know something guys your mommy is crazy!" i laughed looking over to Callie who was still angry cleaning in the kitchen. "How are my babies, have you missed mama?" i asked lifting  the two onto my lap and playing with the toy they had pulled in front of themselves. " Gosh you two are getting so big, what are we going to do with you, we don't have any babies in the house anymore!" i sighed tickling the two and listening to their giggles ring through the house like the happiest sound in the world. I couldn't help but think about how they would both me starting school soon and i'd no longer be able to go up to the day care after a particularly bad outcome and have my two favourite people right there to cheer me up.

"Anyway," i pulled myself from my thoughts. "I think it's time you two little monkeys got to bed." i said placing each of them on my hip and walking up the stairs with them. "Let's get into our pjs guys." I placed them each on the floor and picked them a pair before kneeling at their feet to get them changed. "Mommy" they shouted in unison, knowing that if both of us are home we always put them to bed together. "Mommy is busy," I pleaded with them, just let mama put you to sleep and them she'll come in and see you both okay." They both wriggled underneath my hands, not allowing me to dress them without Callie. I sighed in frustration. 

"I'm sorry." Callie placed her hand on my shoulder as she came up behind me. "Can we please talk." She sat down next to me and began putting Sofia in her pyjamas while i dressed Timmy in his. "Can we just talk later please, after we've got the kids down, i don't have the energy to fight with you as well as them." I sighed and picked Timmy up, taking him into his room, leaving Callie on our bedroom floor.

I was curled up on the couch watching a movie when Callie finally came downstairs. "hey" she simply said, her voice barely above a whisper. "hi" i responded, lifting my head from the pillow it was resting on. "i'm sorry." she said as she sat down next to me. "i was wrong to be jealous when you never gave me any reason to be, i guess it just hurt me to see you had a life that didn't involve me, that things were happening to you every single day you were away and i had no idea about any of it." She placed her hand on my feet. "i get it Callie, i do but do you not think it was so difficult for me to come back here for that exact same reason. I knew how it looked when i left, i was the bad guy, theres no argument but i had to come back here to see you and everyone who i used to be friends with after all these years. I knew everyone would hate me, i broke your heart and then fled to a different continent, leaving everyone else to pick up the pieces." I met her eyes and for the first time this evening, they were filled with genuine sympathy. "I guess i never really thought about how hard it would be for you to come back and see everything which you missed out on, so for that i'm sorry too." She placed a peck on my forehead. "And i'm sorry too, for being so busy at work, i really want to be more present because the kids are getting so big, what are we going to do when they start school and they aren't just there at the daycare anymore?" i questioned genuinely wondering what we would do when they got bigger. "i mean we could always have another." Callie simply replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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