Chapter 8-

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Arizona POV-
I had a meeting with Chief Bailey about returning to work again before my lunch with Callie so I picked up my crutches which Callie assured me I absolutely must use for at least a few days and walked to Bailey's office. It's funny considering I'd been stared at my whole life for being different it was never something you got used to. I fixed my gaze on the floor not wanting to meet anyone's glares.

Miranda opened the door and ushered me to sit down. "Robbins, I didn't know you hurt your leg when did that happen?" She questioned, genuine concern evident in her voice.

"Erm actually Bailey, I haven't hurt my leg as such, I lost it when I was in Africa and I've just been fitted for a new prosthetic so I just need to use these for a few days while I get used to it. Her jaw dropped and I could tell she was really taken back by what I'd said.

"Oh God I had no idea, please take all the time off you need, there's no rush to come back at all." She placed her hand on my arm to comfort me as she spoke.

"No no, I want to come back, I'm ready to come back. The past week I've been staring at the OR board willing my name to be on it. Don't get me wrong I love my baby. More than I could ever express but God it's depressing to be cooped up in a hospital room all day. I'm sick of the sight of children's television. I need to be back to work."

We agreed that I could resume work from tomorrow morning but I would work reduced hours and avoid long surgeries where possible until Timmy was discharged but I was so excited to return. I never thought I'd miss the sound of scrubs rubbing together as I walked and the cold feeling of a stethoscope round your neck but God I did. So much, Timmy would always come first, but I'm a strong believer that you can be both a great surgeon and great mother, with the right people around you and if this whole experience has taught me anything it's that I had the most amazing people around me.

Callie POV-
I walked into Timmy's room expecting to see Arizona but instead I saw only her parents and Timmy. "Doctor Torrwez" Timmy called as I walked in. The way he said my name just made me melt. God he was adorable. "Hey there lil man, how are you feeling?" I said sitting down on the edge of his bed and ticking his foot. "Have you seen Arizona, I thought she'd be here, we were supposed to.." I suddenly stopped. It occurred to me that I didn't know if Arizona would want to tell her parents we were going out for lunch. We didn't even know what we were, what were we? Friends? Friends who kissed in prosthetic labs and cried into each other and held hands and cuddled?

"Errrm we were supposed to meet here for a consult, I need her for a consult." I suddenly rambled.

"Oh I didn't know she was working dear, she's having a meeting with chief Bailey about starting back now, I didn't realise it would be so soon." Crap Callie crap I thought to myself, how are you going to get out of this one, of course she's not working you blabbering idiot.

"Yes, that's right. She's not working. I just wanted her opinion on a patient to make sure I'm doing the right thing. You know because she is the best in the business." I let out a small and very unconvincing laugh and just as I did Arizona appeared in the doorway.

"Dr Torres everything okay?" I assume she'd heard my mindless rambling from the expression on her face.

"Yeh, all good. My surgery finished early, I just wondered if you were free for that consult on the little girl with the pelvis fracture?"

"Ahhh yes the consult, sorry completely slipped my mind. Mom Dad, I'm just going to do this consult and then I told a friend I'd grab lunch with them, I'll be back in a bit."

And with that, we headed out.

I put my key in the ignition and started the car, Arizona shifted nervously next to me in the passenger seat. I placed my hand on her thigh. "Sorry about my nervous rambling earlier, I didn't know what to tell your parents so then I just kind of word vomited and I'm not even really sure what came out."

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