Chapter 21-

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Arizona POV-
It was mid July, which only meant one thing, new interns. A new class of overly eager, overly educated, suck ups. Which usually meant everyone else in the hospital was in for a rough few months.

I pulled my pager from my pocket for what felt like that 400th time this morning and it was barely 5 AM. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I hurried to the Paediatric ward where I'd been paged 911 to a room where I no more than 15 minutes left an intern to do a full work up. "Dr Arnott, what seems to be that problem?" I asked, trying extra hard to sound approachable in front of the parents comforting their screaming daughter. "I tried to get blood and the text book said to go in at a 45 degree angle but I just can't get it." He stuttered out. "How many times do we have to tell you. You can't just blindly follow the text book. Little Abigail here has tiny veins for I'd take from her foot and definitely not go in at that angle. You're treating her like a pin cushion. For that you can spend that rest of the day in the pit doing scut." I took the needle from his hand and he scurried out of the room, refusing to make eye contact with anything but that floor.

"I'm so so sorry, we're really struggling for staff at the minute and I was in surgery otherwise I would have done these tests myself." I apologised to the parents, while they calmed Abigail down.

"Okay little miss, are we ready to try again?" I playfully tapped her on the nose, which earned a giggle. "Okay, insy winsy spider went up the water spout, and down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain," I sung to her as I tapped that needle down her leg before inserting it into her foot and catching that blood in a tube. Before finishing the song. "So insy winsy spider climbed up the spout again." She clapped her hands, oblivious to what had just happened; a stark difference from when I entered the room.

"Wow that's, that was amazing, where did you learn that?" The parents asked me in disbelief. "Ohhh, my son, he was very unwell when he was a baby so he had a lot of blood taken over the years, when you watch your baby go through that over and over again, as a doctor; you kind of figure of the things that do and don't work."i laughed, thinking about some of the great doctors which treated Timmy and taught me these things.

"I'm so sorry, how is your son now?" Mrs Reece asked me. "Oh, he's great thank you, a whole different little boy." Just as I finished speaking, Timmy flew through the door shouting "Mama" as loud as he possibly could, closely followed by Callie who was clearly doing her best to catch him. "And here he is now apparently." I laughed as I scooped the little boy up from that floor.

"I'm so sorry, he wouldn't go into day care until he'd seen you and then the next thing I knew, he was flying through the corridors with no signs of stopping."Callie leant against the door, clearly trying to catch her breath.

"Timothy Robbins Torres, you need to let mommy take you up to day care, Mama will visit you as soon as she's on break okay but right now I need to go to work so I can help sick children like you okay." He nodded his head slowly and took Callie's hand when I placed him on that floor. "I'll see you in the scrub room Calliope." I called after her as she walked away.

"My deepest apologies, it's honestly not normally like this, you must think I'm so unprofessional. I've just started working different hours and it's been really hard on the kids because they're used to us both being there on a morning, so they've gone from having both parents there when they wake up to them being lucky if they even get one." I adjusted the flow of oxygen to her mask beging the bed, while speaking to her parents.

"You have nothing at all to be sorry for, you have a beautiful family." I thanked Mrs Reece and left the room, thanks walking as quickly as possible to the scrub room for my surgery with Callie.

Callie POV-
Scrubbing in for surgery has always been one of my favourite parts of the day, a peaceful two minutes to let your mind wander and prepare for what you're about to be met with. That is until your finance barrels through the door, full of fury. "Hey, you okay?" I asked the beautiful blonde who assumed the sink next to me. "I'm fine, I'll be fine. I just forgot how difficult interns were, I haven't had to deal with them since Alex and I'm just feeling a little frustrated but I'm showing a potential new OB round this afternoon so hopefully the day can only get better." She spoke, never once removing her eyes from the sink in front of her. "Okay well I'll see you inside." I said as I blew her a kiss through my surgical mask. She'd been working so hard recently, trying to split her time between fetal and Peads, it was understandable she was feeling a little overworked, hopefully having a new OB would mean that Arizona would have some more free time to spend with me and the kids.

We were half way through the surgery on a badly injured pregnant woman when Bailey spoke over the intercom. "Robbins, your perspective OB is here do you want me to stall her until you're out of surgery?" Arizona thought for a moment before raising her gaze from the leg she was currently working on. "Erm, that's okay Bailey, just have her scrub in and she can come watch this feral monitor, we could do with the assist anyway." The OR was quiet, both Arizona and I just concentrating on the patient we had open.

Arizona POV-
I heard the OR door open, instantly grabbing Callie and I's attention. I looked up, clamp in hand and was met by a tall slender brunette, I couldn't help but think she looked familiar. She approached the table quietly and sat down at the feral monitor. "I'm doctor Carina Deluca, lovely to meet you!" She spoke confidently.

I almost dropped my clamp at the mention of that name, "omg Carina, I didn't know it was you that was coming, I would give you a hug but I don't want to break the sterile field." I was in disbelief I couldn't believe Carina was actually standing in front of me.

"Arizona??" She asked, almost not believing that it was me in front of her. "I didn't know you worked here, much less that you were a feral surgeon, it really has been a while." She never once lifted her gaze from the monitor as she spoke. "Way, way too long, we'll grab lunch after this and catch up."

"Si, definitely, I'd like that." She said sincerely. It suddenly occurred to me that this whole time. Callie was standing cleaning a wound with no idea at all who this woman was. "Oh.. I'm so sorry, Callie this is Carina Deluca, she's an old friend of mine, we worked together in Africa. Carina this is Callie Torres, my Fiance." I gestured to each woman as I spoke. "Ahh, Dr Torres it's so nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you." She looked up, meeting Callie's eyes for the first time since she entered the OR. "Likewise Dr Deluca, it's lovely to meet you." The hint of jealousy more than obvious in Callie's voice. "Ahh, please call me Carina." The brunette retorted.

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