Chapter 5-

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Arizona POV
"10 blade" a phrase I call out countless times a day and have since I was an intern. A 10 blade to a surgeon is the same as a teddy bear to a child. It provides safety, comfort and certainty. No matter how many times I stand in the OR over my sleeping patient in my gown and gloves and call out "10 blade" the feeling never changes. Surgery is like a drug, one cut and you're hooked. We give life back to people who have nothing left and that is pretty special.

But this time I couldn't help but feel distracted. Ever since I walked through the physicians entrance this morning, put my white coat on and placed my stethoscope around my neck. I'd had a horrible feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Like today something terrible was going to happen.

I was closing when my pager buzzed. I asked the nurse to read it out. Non emergency to the ER, there was no need for me to rush I'd just make my way down there when I'd finished my surgery.

I was scrubbing out when Alex flew through the door looking a little concerned. "What's up Karev you look like somethings wrong" I dried my had on a sterile towel and turned to face him.

"What ever you do I don't want to you panic" Alex started and placed his hand on my arm.

"What the hell Karev what is it?"

"Your parents have brought Timmy into the ER, apparently he pulled a bookcase over on himself. He's got a head lac and is currently being assessed by Dr Torres. But if you're uncomfortable, we can page someone else from ortho."

I didn't even let Alex finish before I was sprinting through the halls to the ER. Sure enough, there laid my baby on a gurney surrounded by doctors. "Hey bubba" I spoke softly stroking his head for comfort.

" What the hell you paged me non emergency and waited for me to get out of surgery for this I would have had someone else finish. What about this doesn't look like an emergency." Callie simply ignored me and walked around the bed to assess Timmy. "Oh and now you're ignoring me, real freaking mature Callie, real mature."

"Come on Robbins you're not supposed to even be in here, how about we take you to see your parents but I promise I will be in there with Timmy, he'll never be on his own okay." I could see Alex really cared about me and about Timmy and I trusted him to take care of him. I'd watched him in my Peads ward for years and he even took it over while I was in Africa. I saw how much he cared for his patients. How kind he was to them and how hard he worked to get them better. I knew I couldn't be leaving him in better hands so I left and went to see me parents.

It felt awful to be on the other side of the trauma room doors, shut out away from your child with no idea what was going on. I tried to peer through the window, just to check Timmy's stats were good and he was awake and responsive but Owen spotted me and closed the blinds. It wasn't fair. I left my healthy and happy baby this morning to go and do my 13 hour shift and now he was strapped to a table in the emergency room. I felt like a terrible mother. Had I come back to work too soon?

Alex shook my dad's hand and hugged my mother tightly before turning to me. "So, they want your consent to put Timmy in the lodox to make sure he hasn't got any breaks or fractures. He's had a full neuro check and Shepard is confident he's got nothing worse than a small concussion but because he's your kid he wants to get him a CT just to make absolutely sure there's nothing at all been missed. Does that sound okay to you? I'll get the nurse to bring you the paperwork."

"Alex you're a star! That's great. Thank you so much for being here, I couldn't have coped without knowing you were in there with him. I'll wait in peads for him to be brought back to his room because I'm pretty sure a certain someone does not want me anywhere near them at the moment but take care of him please, he'll probably be scared of the machines." Alex nodded his head and understood why I wouldn't want Callie to be mentioned around my parents. They knew how hard I took the break up and my dad was so protective the last thing I wanted right was for for them to know I had to work alongside the person who broke my heart. In all my life, no one had hurt me like Callie hurt me.

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