Chapter 18-

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Arizona POV-
Sofia and Timmy ran along a few steps ahead of Callie and I who walked hand in hand through the Seattle Zoo. They looked so cute together. "We've done a good job." Callie leaned her head into me as we walked, never taking our eyes away from the kids.

"Come on my little bugs, let's go and feed some animals." I took Sofia's hand and Timmy took Callie's, I smiled at how far our family had come, now both kids saw us both as mother figures and were so comfortable with us both. I help Sofia in my arms as she fed a carrot to a giraffe. She squealed in excitement as the giraffe took the carrot from her hand. "Did you like that?" I asked giving her a kiss on the cheek.  I picked up Timmy and allowed him to do the same while Callie stood back, not wanting to get too close to the animals. "This is really embarrassing you know Calliope." I turned to face Callie who was stood nervously in the corner of the room. "Me and Timmy used to do this all the time in Africa, if your three year old son can do it, I think you can too." I teased her. "I don't make fun of the things you're scared of." She retorted, protectively holding on to Sofia's shoulders.

We walked around the zoo, creating beautiful memories with our family but the whole day all I could do was think about what was coming tonight, I was so excited.

Callie POV-
We'd had an amazing day at the zoo, this was exactly the kind of thing I'd always imagined doing with my family and I couldn't believe that all my dreams were finally coming true with Arizona. Arizona clipped Timmy into his car seat as I clipped Sofia into hers and we both climbed into the car, me driving as I knew Arizona was probably tired from all the walking. "How's your leg." I asked Arizona as I started up the car and began to drive away, with two sleeping babies in the back. "It's not to bad thanks, much better than I ever thought it would be." I wasn't convinced but I let it slide, knowing how touchy she got when I tried to be her doctor not her girlfriend. I placed my hand in her thigh as we drove home, taking in the beautiful sunset.

I was pulled from my day dream by my phone's chime, "can you read that for me please?" I asked Arizona who sat peacefully listening to the radio. "It's April, she wants to know if you can go into work for a few hours because they're short staffed and you have the lowest number of overtime hours." The last thing I wanted to do was go into work after I was so looking forward to a quiet night in with Arizona, but I knew I couldn't turn April down no matter how much I wanted to. "Uggggh" I let out a frustrated groan. "I just wanted a quiet night with you and the kids." I pouted to Arizona. "I know but they might only need you for a few hours and then you can come home to us okay." Arizona rubbed my thigh as she spoke comforting me.

We got home, got the napping kids settled and I headed back into work, much to my dismay. The halls were quiet, it was a typical early evening and I couldn't help but wonder why on earth April called me in when there was already an ortho surgeon on call. I gowned up and got ready to man the seemingly empty pit, hoping no big traumas would come in and I didn't get pulled into any long surgeries. I pulled my blue trauma gloves on when April came bouncing over from a trauma bay. "Ahhh Callie, thanks so much for coming in." She took her bloody gloves off and threw them away as she spoke to me. "Yeh about that, why am I here because we have an ortho surgeon on call and it isn't me." I questioned her, genuinely confused. "Oh no, it's not that. I just need someone to cover the pit of a few hours because Owen couldn't be here and you have the lowest number of overtime hours but I only need you for a few hours. I'll make sure you don't get pulled into any surgeries." She seemed kind of nervous as she spoke, for what reason I didn't know. "Yeh okay, thanks."

The pit was boringly quiet, it threw me right back to my intern days, placing test tubes, cleaning burns and fishing things out of children's noses. Is it wrong that I was hoping someone would have a nasty fall, just so I could reset and arm or leg. I decided to pass some time by updating charts by the nurses station, wondering where all the interns were, they were usually always fishing around the ER for interesting traumas or harassing me to assist on up coming surgeries. "They need a surgical consult in the clinic if you fancy it." April said, pulling me from my boredom. "Can you not get an intern for that?" I questioned wondering why the chief of Ortho was being asked to do scut. I text Arizona on my way down to the clinic.

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