Chapter 15-

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Arizona POV
"You know what Callie I'm not having this fight with you again. I'm exhausted. I'm going to work."my words were harsh and ripped through the house, upping the tension to a now extremely uncomfortable level.

"Oh and what leave me with your kid?! You have responsibilities Arizona." Callie spat back at me while pulling a brush through Sofia's hair.

"As i recall you legally adopted him so he's as much yours as he is mine. Now watch this..." I backed through the door slamming it behind me and threw myself into the drivers seat driving quickly down the street.

I'd been at work for a few hours and had managed to successfully avoid Callie so far. I knew she was here because her scrubs were missing from her usual hanger and her favourite coffee mug absent from its place by the sink. I threw myself down on the couch letting out an almighty groan in frustration. God I hated fighting with Callie and I hated even more that some times I let my temper control me. I knew that it was wrong of me to storm out of the house this morning. We were a family after all and I couldn't just leave Callie with both the kids but ever since the Erica incident tensions between me and Callie had been so high, it felt like we were fighting none stop and about the most pointless things.

Callie POV
I saw Arizona back through the door and slam in behind her "REALLY MATURE ARIZONA" I screamed at the door and threw the hairbrush I was holding which bounced off and landed in the kitchen. Arizona had always had a fiery temper, it was one of the things that made me fall for her. But God it was awful being on the receiving end of it. Once that woman sees red there is absolutely no calming her down. I knew that better than anyone.

"You know something guys, I think your mama might be an actual psychopath." I leaned down to the kids level and shot them a cheesy grin hoping they hadn't picked up on the tension in the house.

I got to work and hurried the kids to day care being especially careful to not bump into Arizona, I found that when she was like this it was usually better to leave her to cool off for a little while.

It was mid morning and I was treating a non emergent patient in the ER. I was crouched on the floor adjusting his pain meds when I heard a frustrated Arizona shout from the nurses station "ugggghh why does this stupid thing keep deleting my patients." I shot up from the floor and looked in her direction. She now stood with three paper charts splayed out in front of her, her tablet in one hand the other over her face. It was only then that the board caught my eye and it all made sense, it was the anniversary of her brother's death. "I'll be back in one second sir, hang in there." I gave my patients arm a reassuring squeeze and walked over to the nurses station.

"Hey, do you want me to take a look at that, it used to happen to me all the time when we first switched to electronic charts." She silently handed me the tablet in my outstretched hand, failing to meet my eyes. I tapped a few buttons and sure enough all of her patients flew onto the screen. "If that happens again let me know and I can reset it for you, hopefully that will have done it though."

"Thanks Callie." She looked up at me this time though, her usually bright blue eyes seemed dull today, sad. I could tell this was Arizona extending an olive branch to which I gladly accepted.

"Little bit of pain on three." I positioned my hands on the man's shoulder. "One.... two.." on two I pulled his shoulder back into the socket which earned a groan in pain from him. "It hurts less when you don't see it coming." I head Arizona say with a giggle from behind me. "She's right it does." I giggle to the patient.

"Are you busy Dr Torres?" Arizona and I had always agreed to be very professional around the patients as it didn't seem fair to air our dirty laundry at work.

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