Chapter 12-

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Arizona POV-
It had been about a week since Callie and Sofia moved in and we were finally going back to work. It has been so nice to have us all under one roof. We spent a lot of time with the kids, taking them to the park and on long walks to tire them out and it felt like we finally had them both in the same routine.

It was 7:00 on Monday morning and Callie and I were running round like headless chickens trying to get the kids ready on time. "Sofia, come here and put your tights on now or so help me God." I heard Callie shouting from Sofia's bedroom. "Listen, why don't you go and get Timmy's shoes on while I try and put these tights in Sofia, sometimes a change of person helps." I placed a kiss on Callie's forehead and took the tights from her hands.

"Hey sofie sof, how about you come here and Arizona will put these tights on you." I said stretching out my arms for the little girls to walk into. "Because did you know that all the best fairy princesses wear tights like these."

"Okay Arissona." She sat on my lap, sticking her legs out for me. "Okay now let's go find Mommy and show her what a big girl you've been." She held her hands up in the air and stretched onto her tip toes signalling she wanted to be picked up. I picked her up and placed her on my hip as she nestled her little head into my neck obviously tired.

"Wow look how pretty Sofia looks in her tights Mommy." I reached the bottom of the stairs and sat down next to Callie who had Timmy on her knee, putting his shoes on.

We stood in front of the hospital doors for the first time in over a week. I had Timmy in my arms, my spare hand holding Callie's, who let Sofia walk beside her. This was it. The first time our colleagues would see us as a couple again. "You ready?" I looked at Callie who gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and began walking.

I had missed the hustle and bustle of the hospital so much. The familiar sterile smell, the beeping of machines and sound of ambulance sirens were all things which brought me a great deal of comfort. My hand never left Callie's as we walked into the packed elevator. "Dr Torres, Dr Robbins." Alex said as we entered the elevator."dr Karev." We called out in unison.

There was a somewhat awkward silence which was broken by Cristina. "Right, I'm calling it. Alex, Mer you both owe me $50." "Uggghhh" they both groaned as they reached into their pockets and each produced a $50 bill. "What's that all about." I questioned rather confused. "Ohh erm nothing don't worry about it. I like your hair today." Alex said awkwardly. "Karev tell me now, it's not a big deal."
"We placed bets on when you two would finally get back together, I won with under two months." Cristina spoke nonchalantly while tucking her winnings into her scrub pockets.

"God everything really is a competition with you guys. What now you can't compete for surgeries, you place bets on your co workers love lives. Real classy." Callie laughed.

It was 3:00 before I had a break in surgeries and I decided I'd go up to the daycare to see Timmy and Sofia. I picked Timmy up, throwing him in the air and catching him again. "Hey Timmy bug, where's Sof?" He pointed to the corner of the room. To where a woman stood over a little girl talking to her. That was my little Sofia alright but from the back I didn't recognise the woman. I walked over with Timmy in my arms and introduced myself. "Hey mija" I said to Sofia using Callie's nickname for her and taking her hand so that she would stand next to me.

"Mija?" The woman questioned, "that's not your daughter." "I'm sorry, who are you?" I snapped. "Dr Erica Hahn, I'm a friend of Callie's." She retorted. "I'm sorry, but Callie has never mentioned you before so I'm not sure she'd want you up here alone with her daughter." I said taking Sofia in my arms so I now had one baby on each hip. "Can we please page Dr Torres 911 to the daycare." I instructed the woman who ran the daycare. After about a minute Callie flew through the door. "Arizona what's wrong you had me paged 911 to the daycare." She said breathlessly.

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